Memory Clinic Referral - Care Home


New member
Apr 17, 2024
Hi -

Is there any reason that people are referred to different clinics for their 1st memory clinic? I've read that they can be to different places and I wondered if there were reasons. My father has been referred to a care home and I wondered if this would be the same clinic and go through the same process?



Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @oddsock05 I have never heard of a person being referred to a care home for a memory test, I think that you would need to clarify this with your fathers GP. Is it possible he has been referred to the care home for a respite stay? Again you would need to speak to his GP.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
How has he come by this referral, was it via a letter and what did it say?
Unless he’s been told to pack a bag for a stay then I can only think that there maybe a clinic attached to the home. Not wishing to disrespect your dad but have you read a letter if there is one? My mum used to get into an awful muddle with anything office as it just scared her. I agree with @SeaSwallow , get some clarity for him via the GP or the clinic itself.


New member
Apr 17, 2024
Thank you both @SeaSwallow and @SAP . Yes I'm confused as well. There was a letter for a memory clinic appointment - I didn't see the letter. My Mum copied down the details of where to go and my dad took the letter again. Mum is very with it and no issues there! She had copied down a care home address that she wouldn't know of otherwise. He then managed to miss the appointment and I've had a sight of a letter that told him to rebook in the next week or he would lose the referral. That had a different address at the top which is the main centre in our area. But Mum has said the first letter had that address on the top right but told him to go to the care home address. It's really confusing.

I've looked up the address and it is a dementia specialist care home. But we are still awaiting a diagnosis.
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