Memory assessment procedure


New member
Nov 7, 2023
After 5 years of struggling with Mums ‘dementia’, her GP has finally listened to my concerns and referred her to the memory clinic. To my amazement I received a message from the surgery for a memory clinic appointment in 7 weeks time.
Initially elated I then had cause for concern when I realised that the ‘memory clinic’ appointment was at her GP surgery and not at the local memory clinic. furthermore, the appointment is with a clinician who turns out to be the practice manager? Bizarre.
Obviously I have to wait till after the weekend to query this but can anyone shine a light onto what this appointment might be so that I can be prepared.
Could this just be some sort of admin perhaps as Mum and I have already spoken face to face with the GP ? She asked Mum various things about her memory and got her to answer questions such as the day, date, month, name of PM etc and also to remember 3 words. She remembered 2 and passed most other questions with flying colours although she couldn’t remember the year. In Mums eyes she has no issues with her memory but stated she got confused due to her poor hearing. The GP asked her if she had concerns about her hearing and she instantly contradicted herself and said how good her hearing was and she could hear a pin drop etc.

Any suggestions appreciated? I don’t want to be conjuring up all sorts of reasons over the weekend.
Thankyou for being there.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Does the memory clinic perhaps run surgeries at the GP practice?

I took mum to a dermatology appt which was in a GP building?

Its odd about the practice manager unless she has two jobs ….which could be the case.

I doubt It’s admin…it’s either the above or an error…

Dont worry about it ….long time away …..enjoy your weekend and pick it up on Monday xxx


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Don't worry, the practice manager is usually the most experienced (qualified) person on site.
Diagnosis isn't an exact science but we all know when something is wrong.
My wife got visits from the memory clinic people at home, it's what they're qualified and experienced in doing, I have nothing but praise for the service both for my wife and mum. K


New member
Nov 7, 2023
Panic over despite all your kind advice in the meantime. Apparently the surgery has a clinic once a month.
Will leave it till much nearer the time to tell Mum…she won’t be happy.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Then don't tell her, just say it's a well women's clinic and you're going and will she come with you, if she doesn't mind.
You might be surprised how professional the staff in the clinics are, it's what they do everyday for a living.
Just say "mum I have go to the hospital/clinic on Tuesday will you please come with me, I don't want to go on my own" what parent would say no to that? K


New member
Nov 7, 2023
Then don't tell her, just say it's a well women's clinic and you're going and will she come with you, if she doesn't mind.
You might be surprised how professional the staff in the clinics are, it's what they do everyday for a living.
Just say "mum I have go to the hospital/clinic on Tuesday will you please come with me, I don't want to go on my own" what parent would say no to that? K
Her GP suggested an ‘MOT’ due to her age and health issues so we’re gonna say that….nearer the time. Thanks.