LPA Question


Registered User
Sep 3, 2023
My Grandmother has dementia she updated her will and made my mum LPA of her financial and health decisions a while ago. Her dementia is getting worse and is easily persuaded/getting taken advantage of. At the moment there is a conflict with a family member and he is threatening to take my grandmother down to the solicitors to get her to change the LPA to him and get her to change her will to leave everything to him.

Is she able to change/amend her will or LPA without the presence of my mum (her current LPA) the solicitors are aware that she's got dementia.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
If she has testamentary capacity she can change her will without reference to your mum.
Likewise she can revoke the LPA and appoint a different person.
The solicitor can decide her capacity, if unsure they can ask for a medical opinion.