Loss of mobilty

Janey B

Registered User
Aug 15, 2019
Hi folks
So upset — hubby went into respite for a week. Walked in ( with support) but unable to weight bare or walk now. Suspect they have not mobilised him all week.
Feeling anxious that I’m not going to be able to cope now.
Hoping that we will be able to mobilise him but what if we can’t how do you manage? Who do I go to for help and advice?
I so want to keep him at home but I just don’t have the strength to even turn him in bed.
I have carers am and pm during the week but will get them to cover the weekends as well now. Will see how things go this week but suspect even if things improve in the short term this is going to be my next problem.JB


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Hi @Janey B

He won’t have lost all muscle mass in a week so he may be ok if you pick up where you left off.

BUT I’m sorry to say this was the straw that broke my caring at home. Mum gradually lost her mobility (anxiety and rememBering what to do) over a 3 month period. It was very stressful.

She moved into a care home and they started to use a hoist to get her up. She had a much better life than if i had kept her at home as she could be got up for care home events.

This can be done at home but you will need an extensive care package - probably 3 visits per day.

Im so sorry xxx

Janey B

Registered User
Aug 15, 2019
Hi @Janey B

He won’t have lost all muscle mass in a week so he may be ok if you pick up where you left off.

BUT I’m sorry to say this was the straw that broke my caring at home. Mum gradually lost her mobility (anxiety and rememBering what to do) over a 3 month period. It was very stressful.

She moved into a care home and they started to use a hoist to get her up. She had a much better life than if i had kept her at home as she could be got up for care home events.

This can be done at home but you will need an extensive care package - probably 3 visits per day.

Im so sorry xxx
Thanks for your reply @sdmhred feeling overwhelmed at the moment 😞 Will get myself together no doubt it’s what we have to do. JB


Registered User
Aug 6, 2019
Hello @Janey B , I’m sorry to read this. It sounds like your husband needs assessing by an OT as there is equipment such as slide sheets that might help move him in bed. They’re based in your social services team. Also physio may help him regain his mobility…that is usually accessed via the GP

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