Looking for help, support and understanding


New member
Sep 15, 2023
Hi, personal is Natalie, and I am here looking for information and support for my sister who with failing health, she is caring for her husband who has Alzheimers. My sister gets no support or extra benefits, and I am trying to do my best to obtain this. She is struggling and although she thinks that she is coping, its not the case. Its time to gather around her and show her that she is not alone.


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Welcome to the forum @yaggiboom

It’s great that you want to help your sister I’m sure it’ll make a huge difference to her.

You probably already know that your sister’s husband is entitled to attendance allowance (or PIP if he’s under pension age). Don’t forget to fill in the form as if he’s having his worst days. Someone like Age UK can help with this to make it more likely that he’ll get the benefit.

Did you know that your sister and her husband are entitled to a disregard for council tax if he has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. It doesn’t sound very nice on the form as it’s says “severe mental impairment “ but it will give a 25% reduction. His GP will need to sign the form.

Do keep reading and posting here. I found this forum most helpful while I was caring for my dad. Perhaps your sister would find it helpful too.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @yaggiboom and welcome to Dementia Talking Point. Your sister is lucky to have you wanting to help and care for her as it is so hard to look after someone with dementia especially if you do not have good health yourself.
Regarding help for your sister, she can request a needs assessment for her husband and a carers assessment for herself. To do this she should contact her local social services.

Please keep posting if you think of anything that we can advice upon.


New member
Sep 15, 2023
Thank you, that is exactly what I am doing next week. My sister is very hard of hearing and also has problems speaking so I am going to be calling Social Services in her presence and communicate for her. There is also a lot of autism in our family so ths telephone is not the best medium to use, many people don't understand the struggle we have hearing the 'right thing' and saying the right thing. All I want is for my brother in law to receive the best level of care as he deteriorates, and my dear sister to receive the best level of support as she travels the sad path that he is on and able to cope with what is happening.