Looking after our lovely mum

Ruth Mckenzie

New member
Mar 21, 2024
My mum was finally diagnosed with Alzheimer's and Dementia 18 months ago and. will be 90 this year.
We promised to keep her at home for as long as possible. I live a long way away as do my siblings.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Ruth Mckenzie and firstly welcome to this friendly and supportive forum. There is lots of shared experience of dementia to be found here so I am glad you have found us.
I am sorry to read about your Mum. It's a cruel disease for sure, there's no getting round that.
A wonderful promise to keep your her at home for as long as possible, and obviously with Carer support, as I note you and your siblings live a distance away. I hope this continues to work satisfactorily to keep her well cared for and safe.
With the very best of intentions, in the future, you may be looking for some form of residential care accommodation for your Mum. Please do not consider this as breaking your promise, more like you are continuing to do your very best for her and her welfare by keeping her safe and well cared for 24/7.
This link may be helpful for information: