Living in Spain. Terrible time


Registered User
Jan 15, 2013
O.H. has been on intensive care for 7 days. You are only allowed to visit for half an hour, so travel an hour just to spend half an hour thanfully he has now been moved to a ward the only problem is that the hospital expect you to stay 24.7. and feed and clean no problem but they do expect you to be there all the time. Can't fault the treatment medically its great such a good hospital. Spent the day but although he is improving medically I have had very little responce they did so he was sedated because he was pulling out his plugs all he has said is that he wants to go home. take me home take me home. The language is a barrier not sure they understand his early onset of alzheimers. Going tomorrow hopefully I will see a Doctor and get some answers. Thank God, I am living in a good community here in Spain so I do have alot of support. Hopefully I will have better news tomorrow. Acacia p.s At least I have coped with the journey which takes an hour but unlike the u.k. there is very little traffic on the motorway.
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Registered User
Aug 1, 2007
Hello acacia, I hope your husband is able to leave hospital soon. It's good to hear that he is getting good treatment in the hospital. I hope you are able to get some sleep whilst you are there. Please keep us updated when you have time.



Registered User
Jan 15, 2013
not good news

Saw the Dr. today, although his blood clot on the lungs and his heart have improved the Dr. thinks he has a brain stroke. Fortunately he spoke good english. They are giving him a brain scan tomorrow so I should know more. Tired out with the travelling. Everyone where we live have been so supportive. Daughters are flying out so that will be good. So pleased with the hospital so kind and caring and the medical care is the best. Couldn't be in a better place. They also provide a translator. Just hoping for some good news. Acacia.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2007
Hello acacia, I'm relieved to read that your daughters will be there to support you. I hope you will have better news soon.
