Lewy bodies dementia


New member
Apr 10, 2024
Does anyone else have a loved one with Lewybodies? My husband has been diagnosed with this following a very sudden incident on holiday in France in June. He regularly doesn’t recognise me,only me, knows our friends, family, locals…. So far I’ve made a memories book of photos of our life together ( 60 years!) which helps him ‘find me ‘again. It upsets him when he realises . I’ve struggled a lot and am on mild antidepressants which I think help. He has rivagistamine patches (9.6 mg now) which I think are beginning to help and we are under an excellent consultant from UC L hospital and have a wonderful GP. I’m going to make contact with Rare Dementia Support as they have said once diagnosed I can be put in touch with Lewybodies support groups.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @BridgetMarie

I`m sorry to hear about your husband`s diagnosis. His dementia is one of the rarer forms and I know little about it.

I hope maybe tomorrow others who know more than I do will share their experiences.

I hope this link will help you.



Registered User
Nov 12, 2023
Does anyone else have a loved one with Lewybodies? My husband has been diagnosed with this following a very sudden incident on holiday in France in June. He regularly doesn’t recognise me,only me, knows our friends, family, locals…. So far I’ve made a memories book of photos of our life together ( 60 years!) which helps him ‘find me ‘again. It upsets him when he realises . I’ve struggled a lot and am on mild antidepressants which I think help. He has rivagistamine patches (9.6 mg now) which I think are beginning to help and we are under an excellent consultant from UC L hospital and have a wonderful GP. I’m going to make contact with Rare Dementia Support as they have said once diagnosed I can be put in touch with Lewybodies support groups.
My husband has just been diagnosed with LB after being in a care home since November , he was diagnosed in Jan 2021 but we were told it was vascular dementia. And the original diagnosis was wrong. He has now had his medication changed; but with the right diagnosis in the beginning it's possible he could have been prescribed medication to slow down the dementia.

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