In hospital and critical


Registered User
Jan 13, 2010
Thanet, Kent
On Sunday I went to visit my wife at the CH and found her slumped in a chair with cold and clammy hands and red mottled legs. She was totally unresponsive. I drew the care staff's attention to her and they called an ambulance.
At A&E they confirmed my feeling that she had an acute UTI, dehydration and a very low blood pressure.
She has been in a coma since then and on drips and antibiotics.
I feel that the CH had not been paying full attention to her fluid intakes nor had they been insuring that she was taking her blood pressure medication. She always resisted taking pills and I had always crushed them and mixed them with fruit juice. It worked for the past three years.
However the CH said that they weren't allowed to deviate from what's prescrived on the box. When they checked her in A&E, they found her cheeks full of congealed pills.
The hospital say that she is very poorly and it's touch and go if she will come out of this.

This is my nightmare coming true. If she hadn't gone into care, none of this would have happened.


Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
Oh Keith I am so very sorry, but don't feel guilty you did your very best because you love her,
Best wishes,

Jeany xx


Registered User
Aug 1, 2007
Hello Keith, I am thinking of you both and hope you have better news about your wife.



Registered User
May 21, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Oh Keith, I can't believe what you're going through, and your poor darling wife too. You're right, it is the worry in all our minds when we reach the difficult decision of residential care.

I'm so glad she is now receiving essential care and I really hope you have others around you to give you all the support and love you need.

Please try to have hope, I'm sure it will all be ok, I really am astounded by the way dementia sufferers seem to have such physical resilience.

Take care,
Stephanie, xxx


Registered User
Jan 10, 2013
I hope your wife gets better quickly..... I found out that when mum was in respite that she hadn't been getting some drugs as it was 'as required' on the box so they have to ask the person if they want them, mum would say no therefore going without drugs she needs, I have to get the Dr to write specific times on the box when they are to be taken, same with the 'as directed' medication a time has to be specified.
I suggest you go to your local Dr and tell them what you have had to do to get your wife to take her medication (unless he already knows) and ask if her would write a letter to the CH stating medication has to be crushed, at least that way you will know the CH will be giving your wife the medication she needs.
You must not blame yourself for the fact your wife is in hospital, in my view (and it is only my view) the CH are to blame, if they had followed you instructions and kept a better eye on your wife she might not be in hospital, its seems the duty of care they had towards her had disappeared, I would ask to see all charts and speak to the manager to ask how this could have happened?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I`m so sorry it`s come to this Keith.

It sounds as if the home has been negligent. I do hope your wife will come through this. xx


Registered User
Aug 29, 2008
This is as others have said is a carers worse nightmare. There is negligence there in my mind a full enquiry needs to take place, but first and foremost is your wife's immediate health. So hope there is a good outcome



Registered User
Aug 30, 2012
Brixham Devon

If there's one thing I'm sure of none of this is your fault.
I won't go into the scenario of the CH being at fault (because they are ) I just want you to know that I am thinking of you and send you and your wife my love at this horrible time.

If you can keep posting.

Lyn T


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Dear Keith,

This is shocking news and it does seem very negligent of the home not to have noticed the decline in your wife's condition since being admitted such a short while ago!! I do hope that she makes a good recovery. I hope Keith that you have some good support around you at a time like this.



Registered User
Nov 11, 2010
north Wales
What terrible news Keith, I pray your wife improves soon.
CH have been negligent at the very least.
Take care and please do not blame yourself.
God bless you both.


Registered User
Dec 16, 2009
This is too much Keith :(

I hope your wife pulls through this awful episode.. they need to rewrite the rules about medication and use common sense :(


Registered User
Jan 13, 2010
Thanet, Kent
Talking to the consultant this morning, she has severe kidney failure as a result of the infection and he is giving her hours or days to live.
I am preparing a case against the CH.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2013
I really don't know what to say, except I am hoping the diagnosis the Dr gave you is wrong and that your wife pulls through. I would get copies of all charts/ notes etc from the CH on your wife now, incase they decide to alter them or conveniently mislay them (not that I am saying they will).


Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
Oh that's awful, I am thinking of you both and sending you strength to get through whatever you have to deal with,

Jeany xx


Registered User
Dec 31, 2009
Dear Keith
Just read your post and find myself without words, when illness happens that’s unavoidable it’s hard enough but to feel it could have been prevented (by the home), that’s truly dreadful and far harder to come to terms with. Even though the prognosis you’ve been given is so bleak will be hoping very much for a miracle and that your wife may defy the odds and pull through. Thinking of you.


Registered User
Sep 7, 2012
Absolutely shocked to read your post Keith.
The thing you dreaded, that I didn't believe would happen, has occurred.

I would look after your wife and yourself for now but make notes, take note and when the time is right,
go gunning for them.

It's outrageous that after all that has been talked about, your wife should be sitting with tablets in her cheek, absolutely outrageous.

I hope she recovers and gets back to the condition she was in when she left your care,
I wish you peace but I know there will be none to be found for you.
Heart breaking. X


Registered User
Dec 8, 2011
North West
What shocking news Keith. It's hard to believe the care home could be so irresponsible.

Like everyone else I shall be thinking of you and your wife.

Big Effort

Account Closed
Jul 8, 2012
Dear Keith,

This is a time when words fail: they are inadequate.
How could this happen? What negligence in duty of care to your dear wife.
How are you, Keith? This is everyone's worst nightmare....
I will think of you and your wonderful wife, and hope for a miracle to set this right.
Please keep us posted.

I would love to say something helpful, wise and comforting..... but in a situation like this I can't find anything comforting to say. I send gentleness and healing to you both, BE