I'm confused

Daughters concerns

Registered User
Oct 20, 2022
Hi there 😊

I've noticed of late that mum is behaving like she used to before she became forgetful!👍

She's on the Alziemers medication now and I'm thinking it's helping her which is great to see🤗

But I'm now confused!!
Does this mean she's back to her old self and doesn't need looking after anymore for example her evening carers just to make sure she taken meds and is alright?
And do I revert back to speaking to her as though she hasn't got memory loss?
I don't know how to be around her now she's more like she was, it's so confusing 😔

Has this happened to anyone before? Xx

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Daughters concerns

It does sound as if the medication is helping but it`s anyone`s guess if this is temporary or long term.

From what I know, dementia medication can help delay progression but does not cure.

If you can, just accept how your mother is from day to day. I wouldn`t ask too much of her but would tread carefully and just be observant
And do I revert back to speaking to her as though she hasn't got memory loss?
I`m not sure what you mean by this. Do you adopt a different tone or just simplify your language?


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
There is a thing called "moments of clarity" sometimes I was my wife's dad, brother, neighbour or someone she didn't know, then at other times she'd remember who I actually was and tell me she loved me.
You just have to go with the flow, no two stories are the same, just enjoy it while you can, there is no cure but some medications do seem to help some people. K


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
Hi there 😊

I've noticed of late that mum is behaving like she used to before she became forgetful!👍

She's on the Alziemers medication now and I'm thinking it's helping her which is great to see🤗

But I'm now confused!!
Does this mean she's back to her old self and doesn't need looking after anymore for example her evening carers just to make sure she taken meds and is alright?
And do I revert back to speaking to her as though she hasn't got memory loss?
I don't know how to be around her now she's more like she was, it's so confusing 😔

Has this happened to anyone before? Xx
I would be very cautious about relying on your mum to take her medication on her own. You have no real way of knowing if this is temporary or not. As said, just enjoy the moments you have that seem like 'the old days'. They are precious - don't waste them by worrying about why they are happening.

When my husband was considered 'medically optimized' I started to see the man I had known and loved reappear. It was wonderful to see that and, for him, it has remained to a certain extent but there are days when he disappears completely.

Take one day at a time and be guided by how your mum is whenever you see her or talk to her. Don't force her to 'be' a certain way - it won't work.

Calon Lan

Registered User
May 21, 2024
Hi @Daughters concerns

My mum has Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia, first diagnosed in 2019. I lived with her for about three years before she moved into residential care. Earlier in her illness she would have times when she didn’t seem to have any problems at all, but at other times she was very confused. She could be very different on different days, or even during the same day. She seemed to have marked changes in her anxiety and confusion with no obvious causes.

Personally I would keep the carers visiting your mum, especially if they are helping with meds. I think it’s better to have as much help as possible as early as possible.

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