If it's not one thing its your mother


New member
Jun 18, 2024
Hello everyone

I've used the "If it's not one thing it's your mother" line from Peter Kay quite a lot due to our less than ideal relationship and her various antics over the years but since she started showing signs of dementia 18 months ago, through to her diagnosis in January and her rapid decline since, I'm using it more often.

It's a bit of a coping mechanism when people ask how things are and I'm too exhausted or bewildered or upset to give an answer.

My reasons for joining are to get advice on issues mum is having as they arise, to share my experiences in the hope they can help others and maybe even find like-minded souls who perhaps don't have that loving relationship with a parent that everyone else seems to have and that I envy them for.

I've literally just registered after reading about the forum in the latest newsletter so I'll take time to read through some of your posts, search for previously-asked questions and answers on the topics giving me concern at the moment, and then I'll probably pop back up again.

Looking forward to being part of this supportive community.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @DiligentBadger and welcome to the Forum. Your reasons for joining all fit with what our community does best - sharing experiences with people who truly understand- and we look forward to hearing more from you.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
Welcome from me - another who had a less than perfect relationship with my mother - all my life.

Dementia seemed to make the less appealing aspects of her personality even worse...


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Hello everyone

I've used the "If it's not one thing it's your mother" line from Peter Kay quite a lot due to our less than ideal relationship and her various antics over the years but since she started showing signs of dementia 18 months ago, through to her diagnosis in January and her rapid decline since, I'm using it more often.

It's a bit of a coping mechanism when people ask how things are and I'm too exhausted or bewildered or upset to give an answer.

My reasons for joining are to get advice on issues mum is having as they arise, to share my experiences in the hope they can help others and maybe even find like-minded souls who perhaps don't have that loving relationship with a parent that everyone else seems to have and that I envy them for.

I've literally just registered after reading about the forum in the latest newsletter so I'll take time to read through some of your posts, search for previously-asked questions and answers on the topics giving me concern at the moment, and then I'll probably pop back up again.

Looking forward to being part of this supportive community.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Hello and welcome. Rest assured you're definitely not the only one in a fractious relationship with the one you care for. This is your space to rant and speak freely!