I’m running out of steam


New member
Jul 3, 2023
My mother is 96 and developed Dementia two years ago. She’s been living in a very good care home for about 18 months. I visit frequently. She has various health issues and the last year has been a roller coaster of emotions - three hospital admissions in six months and being told to expect the worst each time. She has miraculously bounced back and that has resulted in very mixed emotions for me. I’m not going to lie - it’s a strain.
She was admitted to hospital with reduced oxygen sats on Wednesday and diagnosed with acute chest infection. She has responded well to antibiotics and discharged back to her care home late today (Friday). I settled her in, she had some food and I left her in good spirits with a promise to visit tomorrow.
Tonight she has phoned me in great distress asking where I am and talking about the Indian famiIy who are sitting on her bed and won’t leave her room. She got very nasty when I tried to help. I’ve phoned the care team and they’re going to look in on her but the delirium and hallucinations are difficult to deal with.
No one has a crystal ball and each patient is unique but how long is this going to go on for - I can’t seem to settle her anymore and I’m running out of steam.


Registered User
Jan 25, 2023
Delirium is very distressing to watch as a relative. It would seem some people keep going for ages - I hope you feel better soon. Just writing it down and sharing on here helps me. Thinking of you x

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
You can see what ever she's seeing
You'll be there as soon as possible (even if asap is a week from next Wednesday)
"What are you watching on TV? (likely to be about Indians). Tell Mum to turn to channel xyz or call home and ask them to change the channel.