I’m new here 😊


New member
Feb 26, 2023
This is my 1st visit to Dementia Talking Point. My father has a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. He is 87yrs old has some long standing physical issues and very poor balance which results in falls. He was doing OK up to having a significant head injury immediately followed by Covid in Autumn 2020 this impacted on his functioning and he has never really recovered. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease in December 2021. He lives with my mum who remains his primary carer, they have both been fiercely independent although are beginnng to accept help from family now as the demands of this disease become more telling on them both. I live 50 mins drive away from my parents, my sister 1.5hrs away and my brother about 15 mins away although he works full time so limited as to how much support he can offer.

Dad has always loved to walk and has previously been heavily involved with The Rambles Association. He values his mobility but getting out and about is increasingly challenging. We have tried employing a walking buddy but Dad felt insulted by an ‘enforced’ chaperone! His GP has suggested returning to the local sports centre gym to build up strength in his legs. I have talked to him about having a Personal Trainer to work with him, maybe doing a gym fitness session then going for a coffee together with a view to then doing some outdoor fitness work. Does anyone have experience of finding a dementia friendly personal trainer? I feel like he will need someone with an awareness of his particular cognitive needs n order for this to be successful.

Many thanks for reading.



Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
I employ a physio to visit mum once a week in her home and put her through her paces!!
I am convinced it helps with falls prevention
Plus, they have become chums 😀


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Welcome to Dementia Talking Point @Dinglydell, this is a very friendly and supportive group.
I'm a keen member of our local Ramblers group and we have a walking for health group that does much shorter walks once a week and ends up at a coffee shop. Is it worth asking about that? His walking buddy could go too to keep an eye on him, but out with a group of people your dad might not feel quite as much as though he is being chaperoned.
It is also worth asking at the local leisure centre if they have any sessions that might be good for him. My centre has quite a few chair exercise and exercise for the over sixties groups. Again something a 'buddy' could go with him to.


New member
Feb 26, 2023
I employ a physio to visit mum once a week in her home and put her through her paces!!
I am convinced it helps with falls prevention
Plus, they have become chums 😀
@SherwoodSue Thank you for message, physio sounds an interesting option, is this expensive? How did you find an appropriate physio?


New member
Feb 26, 2023
Welcome to Dementia Talking Point @Dinglydell, this is a very friendly and supportive group.
I'm a keen member of our local Ramblers group and we have a walking for health group that does much shorter walks once a week and ends up at a coffee shop. Is it worth asking about that? His walking buddy could go too to keep an eye on him, but out with a group of people your dad might not feel quite as much as though he is being chaperoned.
It is also worth asking at the local leisure centre if they have any sessions that might be good for him. My centre has quite a few chair exercise and exercise for the over sixties groups. Again something a 'buddy' could go with him to.
Thank you for suggestion.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
@SherwoodSue Thank you for message, physio sounds an interesting option, is this expensive? How did you find an appropriate physio?
@SherwoodSue Thank you for message, physio sounds an interesting option, is this expensive? How did you find an appropriate physio?
Hello again. Not cheap about £50-£60 a session when delivered at home. I just did internet search and looked at reviews. Made sure they were up for elder care/rehab. Some more geared to sports jocks. Mum pays. She has modest funds in the bank. Money she has saved to make life more comfortable not to leave as an inheritance to happy for mum to burn through it.

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