Husband failed memory test


New member
Oct 30, 2023
My husband has experienced several episodes of confusion over last six months including having to return from holiday within 24 hours and police/paramedics being called when he went on a day trip and didn’t know where he was or where he lived. Having struggled to get him to GP, as he insisted there was nothing wrong and it was me, he has had blood tests, urine tests and CT scan to rule out anything else. I have just discovered by chance that when he saw GP end of October (as he insisted on going alone) he failed the memory test and did not know the year, his address and was unable to count backwards from 0-20 or list months of year. He has now been fast tracked to Memory Clinic and behaviour episodes are becoming more frequent. He thinks I have been living elsewhere for two years and just returned home. Says another woman been coming in to do jobs. After watching football on tv the other night he said he had worked for Chelsea and was thinking of con them to see if they needed any help! Although I suspected he had dementia, it was still a shock to learn he had failed memory test and just how quickly this seems to be progressing.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
@BuzzyBee and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. It must have come as such a shock to learn that your husband had failed the memory test and it is good that he has been referred to the Memory Clinic.
If your husband has only recently become confused it is possible that he has a UTI and I would suggest that you get him tested as they can cause havoc. If he does not have a UTI it would suggest that if he does have dementia it is progressing beyond the early stages. Please push hard regarding the memory clinic appointment as there are some medications that can help. There is at present no cure for dementia but some medication can mitigate the effects.
Please keep posting as you will find the forum supportive and friendly.