How to approach the subject you are concerned about memory loss?

Michelle coxon

New member
Jan 4, 2024
My name is michelle , i have been concerned about my dads memory loss my dad is 79 and active we have been going to the gym for years and then he stopped for about 12months. i persuaded him to come back and he had forgotten how to use some of the machines. I have spoken to my mum but she said its just old age . How do i approach my father?


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Michelle coxon and welcome, this is a friendly and supportive group. It's understandable that you are feeling concerned about your dad, but there are lots of things that can cause memory problems. Is it just your dad forgetting how to use the gym equipment that is worrying you or have you noticed any other changes? It's a tricky thing for you to raise with your dad, particularly as your mum feels that it is probably just due to old age. Perhaps have a read through the article/factsheet below as it might help you with deciding what best to do next, as it explains the differences between symptoms that could be related to old age (such as memory problems) and symptoms that may be dementia related (such as problems with planning/decision making/language). Hope this helps, but do post again if you are still concerned as there is a lot of shared knowledge and experience here and always someone here to listen



Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello Michelle @Michelle coxon and just a welcome from me too to the forum. You have already had sound advice from @Louise7 , which I cannot really add to.
Just wanted to also say there is a lot of information here on the forum so do have a good look around and see what others are saying, if you continue to be concerned that that your Dad's issues are dementia related.