Question about marijuana and memory loss


New member
Dec 23, 2023
I wonder if my family medical history will catch up to me sooner than later. Both my grandmothers died from brain diseases, (1 dementia and 1 Alzheimer's) and my mother died from brain cancer (brain stem cancer and died the day she was diagnosed).

I don't have the best short term memory and when I smoke marijuana it becomes almost annoying that I forget so much so quickly. When I first started smoking marijuana at the age of 20 I would smoke and then I would talk on the phone with my girlfriend when I would hang up I would have to ask about the conversation from him. Or I could work out and he would count but go 1-2-3-4-5-6-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-2-3.... Basically I'd forget the count and he would start over and I wouldn't even know how many reps I really had done and could go on way beyond what I could normally.

After building a tolerance to marijuana my short term memory loss wasn't as bad. Still to this day I wonder if the marijuana and my family medical history have anything to do with one another. Or if there is some science behind whatever happens when the THC alters my brain and memory.

Anyhow, not sure where I was going with this but after reading this forum I've been thinking about my future and now that I'm over 40 years old and my mom died at 50, its on my mind and dont know what to do to prolong my life.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @riverwater4life

Im afraid that I dont know exactly what effects marijuana has on the brain.
I know it has some effects (particularly on the short term memory) but I dont know whether it is temporary and wears off when you stop using it, or whether it is permanent.

I also know that any damage to the brain makes you more susceptible to dementia.

I also think that if there has been damage to the brain you need to protect what is left. I really do feel that it would be much better if you stopped smoking marijuana to try and get your short-term memory back.


Registered User
Jun 20, 2017
I also think that if there has been damage to the brain you need to protect what is left. I really do feel that it would be much better if you stopped smoking marijuana to try and get your short-term memory back.
Yes, you can't change what's happened in the past but need to protect what's left as canary suggests. Needing to do that myself, I've researched a lot and you need to stop smoking, full stop, not just marijuana. You can't control the family medical history but you can control whether you help or hinder your future health. I know it's not easy but I wish you good luck.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2020
I’d try and stop smoking weed or at least reduce your consumption. My Mum has Alzheimer’s and I’m absolutely terrified of getting this hideous disease. I do everything I can to boost my physical fitness ie, don’t drink or smoke, attend the gym and swim three times a week, cycle, go climbing and have a healthy diet. It also means that I’ll hopefully avoid being a burden on the NHS and my husband if I reduce the chance of developing other health problems as well.

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