Hi. Relieved to be here. Grateful for any advice


New member
Apr 3, 2024
Good Afternoon. I called the Alzhemiers helpline today as I'm struggling to deal with knowing that my mother will soon not know who I am. The lady on the phone was amazing and has made me feel a lot better about this and directed me towards joining this lovely community. What I have read so far is so inspiring. I've shed tears whilst reading what others have shared and am so thankful to be able to hear about other peoples situations and feel like I have somewhere to turn. I hate to admit how nieve I am to knowing about Dementia and one thing that I feel probably sounds silly, is how to be around my mother as she progresses to later stages of dementia. I don't know how to engage with my mother and I feel awful for not knowing enough. I'd appreciate any advice that can be given. Thank you and nice to meet you


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
A warm welcome to Dementia Support Forum @victoria24.
Your mum may forget your name or that you are her daughter, but I'm sure that she'll continue to know that you are someone that is special to her.
My mum had very advanced dementia, rarely said anything that made much sense and didn't know who I was. She always smiled when I visited though. The second to last time I saw her, I gave her a kiss and said I love you mum as I left. She replies 'I loved you too.' and that brief exchange was enough to let me know that the bond between us was still there.
Just take each day at a time, and don't try to look to far ahead as to what might or might not happen. If there are things your mum particularly likes, favourite music, or looking at pictures carry on doing that with her.
I'm glad you've us. This is a very friendly and supportive place and I'm sure others will be along shortly with their ideas and support.