Hi I’m new to this


New member
Sep 10, 2023
My husband is 59 never had a great memory would have been calledscatter brained years ago. He has a neuromuscular condition that he is on meds for but has been on them for several years. Some can give memory problems. But over the last year the memory problems, inability to organise himself has gone to another level. Seen by gp seen by memory clinic nurse where he didn’t score particularly well but not awful. Now we are waiting to see the specialist, and to be honest I’m probably more scared if they say it’s not Alzheimer’s as he’s got so many symptoms but not all the time plus he tries to overcompensate and things get worse. Sorry for the long post just feeling anxious about what’s happening to him.
Any advice would be appreciated x

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome to the forum @DebC and never feel the need to apologise for a long post.

I can`t advise just yet, and think it`s best to wait for the specialist`s diagnosis but I do appreciate what a worrying time this is for you.

To get the best support now you have introduced yourself your post has been moved to this section which is considered to be the most appropriate section for you.

This way I hope you will have a regular place to post updates and get the support you need.
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