Hi from Tyrone


New member
Nov 6, 2023
Hi, my name is Marie and our mother was recently diagnosed with mixed dementia back in September, which I find profoundly saddened by as we never thought our mum would go through this given what she has contributed to the world in her amazing 85 years of life. She had 9 children, 7 of us who still deeply love her and are preparing for what comes next.

We currently need help on her hygiene as she has started to forget to shower and change her underwear and are unsure on how we address this issue as she is a very proud woman and strong minded 😂 So hates when we tell her she needs to do something like take a shower or change her clothes.

I am sure you are all of the same feelings as our family but happy to be on here to see what tips you all can help with us moving forward.

Obviously I don’t know any of you but just wanted to say you are all amazing people as we are only beginning our dementia journey 💙

Look forward to reading from you all soon x

I am attaching a picture of our beautiful and amazing mum from her 85th birthday party back in June ❤️


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Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @MarieAsh

I have no experience of this but I know many carers on the forum have and I hope they will offer you some advice and support tomorrow.

Meanwhile I hope this link will give you some help.



Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
I was about to suggest that you contact your local social services to see if carers could encourage your mum to shower and change her clothes but I have seen your other post where your mum thinks that there is nothing wrong with her. This is quite a common issue.
I would still suggest that you contact SS if you have not already done so to arrange a needs assessment for your mum and a carers assessment for yourself. You might find that if they are gradually introduced your mum gets to accept carers and sometimes people with dementia will accept suggestions from ‘strangers’ before family.