Helplessness and witnessing pain


New member
Nov 5, 2018
My grandmother has later stage Alzheimer’s and has deteriorated very quickly. She has been in the same state for the last 4 years now. She has lost all ability to self-care and virtually all ability to communicate. It is utterly heart-breaking. Even more heart-breaking is watching my grandad deal with this pain. My heart breaks at how apologetic he is for his grieving state. I want to be able to take both of their pain away but feel conflicted in my own head. I feel selfish for wanting my grandma to be let free of this disease, and I feel distraught that my grandad is clinging on to every glimmer of hope. On top of this I have my own feelings to deal with, and it just feels like there’s so much helplessness involved. Every person in this situation is helpless and for years now, I have been able to come to terms with the situation, however I feel my resilience is starting to disintegrate.

Does anybody else have any coping strategies to share to deal with these conflicting thoughts?


Registered User
Dec 11, 2013
Hello @span14 and welcome to TP

What a caring grandson/daughter you are. You describe so accurately the feelings of loss and helplessness that I feel myself, in relation to my mother. It is so hard, I know, to stay strong and resilient- all of us have bad times when it seems more upsetting and difficult to manage.

I’m afraid I don’t really have any specific advice but I wanted to welcome you to the forum x I am sure someone will be along soon with good ideas or advice.
Lindy xx


Registered User
Jul 23, 2017
N Ireland
Hello @span14, welcome to the forum.

It sounds like your grandparents need help and I wonder if they have had needs assessments, to which they are both entitled. In the Hope that they will provide a useful source of information I’ve included below links to a Society Factsheet concerning the needs assessment, the publication list and a section of the forum where you can do a post code check for support services in your grandparent’s area

With regard to your own feelings, do keep posting here for support, but also consider talking to your GP as he/she may be able to help you through this difficult time with something like counseling.