

New member
May 12, 2024
Im supporting my mother in law who has mixed dementia. My hubby (her son) and i want to make sure that she can live in her own home as long as possible. Any tips gratefully received. Thank you in advance .


Registered User
May 22, 2023
Hi my mum has alzeimers/ vascular dementia. Just a year since diagnosis although displaying symptoms before this.
She is still in own home, but has someone with her every day. Mum can't cook, needs reminding and help with showering... all household bills we take care of, shopping and cleaning, any appointments needs my assistance. No paid for care as yet..but reluctantly I'm having to think about it as if I'm unable to at any point..its going to be a problem. Also I know the time will come when it will become too much for me so I need to introduce carers. I hate it. Luckily I have a person who will be able to assist me with this. Hard bringing this conversation up with mum. She was not happy, didn't need it etc...Its tough and sad. You will need help along the way. Sorry to sound gloomy but it's the reality. Xxx


Registered User
May 28, 2023
Im supporting my mother in law who has mixed dementia. My hubby (her son) and i want to make sure that she can live in her own home as long as possible. Any tips gratefully received. Thank you in advance .
There are live in carers. My daughter suggested that as a possibilty for me and my husband, but I am not sure. I cannot recommend though, but maybe other folk have tried it. Talk with social services to see what is available in your area.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @SallieAnne and firstly welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia to be found here so I am glad you have found us.
I am sorry to read about your Mother in law, but it is good that she has your husband and you to support her.
It is great that she is able to still live independently, and be in her own home. You will, however, know that dementia is a progressive disease so now is the best your Mother in law will be. You will probably, at some future stage, need to consider carers either coming to the home, or live in, or residential care. Worth thinking about now, so you and your husband are not caught on the hop so to speak when you may need to organise things in a hurry.
These links may help with information about a care needs assessment for your MIL to see whether care support is needed, and a link about future possibilities of residential care.
I hope I am not painting too much of a bleak picture for you, and it is just great that you want to support your MIL to stay in her own home for as long as possible. I also just want you to be prepared for future scenarios, Take care,