

New member
Mar 21, 2024
My 89 year old Mum has vascular dementia, she self finds her nursing care. I am looking for advice re FNC.


New member
Mar 21, 2024
Welcome! I’m new to the sight as well. Looking for directions. It’s truly a rough place to be. I pray a lot for direction for help, guidance and understanding… I hope you find your answer.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Rosm and firstly welcome to this friendly and supportive forum. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia to be found here and members really do want to help.
I am sorry to read about your Mum and her need for nursing care:
I am attaching a link which may have information and advice that you are looking for.
I, personally, have do direct experience of FNC, but I'm sure other's do and will be along shortly with any advice or suggestions.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
As per the link Gosling has put up here, nursing care in a nursing home not just a care home can help or even cover all the costs, however, dementia of itself isn't always classed as a medical need.
Other co-conditions may be needed to make it funded as nursing/medical care as opposed to social care. K


Registered User
Jun 17, 2024
One caution is that a number of web based firms are now putting adverts on the search engines with titles like "you don't have to fund your Nursing Care - Let the NHS do it". These are misleading as they give the impression there is a secret funding supply that you just need to let them “unlock” for a fee. The truth is that nothing is more tightly screwed down that government funding particularly as more cuts to Local Social Care services are inevitably on the way.

A good source of information is the Age UK Factsheets – they are heavy-going in places but give you all the information – possibly referring to other factsheets along the way.

The basic rule is that the patient needs a ‘primary care need’ in other words a medical need which in the absence of a nursing care home (with a medical nurse), would need to be treated or monitored in a hospital (and ‘blocking’ a bed). Freeing up this is why the NHS pay for the Nursing Care placement.

There are numerous assessments which need to be done and satisfied before the NHS would agree to fund a place. It isn’t an easy option as we have found. We are in the ‘thick of it’ at the moment. My Dad has Vascular Dementia, has lost mental capacity, is in remission (for now) from stage 3 bladder cancer and has had 4 UTI’s within 2 years which required hospitalisation. We still are having to ‘go through multiple hoops’ and don’t yet know the outcome. I Have read Factsheets 10,20, 41,36, 44, 24, 29, 39 amongst others, like I said it’s a hard slog. Then you have to get the Social Care on side and your GP support.
Look into this but don't pin any of your hopes on it yet. Good luck.