

New member
Oct 19, 2023
Hello. I’m new to the forum. I’ve joined because my mum has mixed dementia. Only formally diagnosed in October but has been gradually getting worse over the last 5 years. Getting the diagnosis has helped a lot because she is now in the system and we are getting various bits of practical help now. There’s always some problem I’m looking for help with, so I find this forum very useful. She’s 88 and is fiercely independent and lives alone in her own home with help from her 3 daughters.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Welcome to Dementia Support Forum @Crissyoc. This is a very friendly and supportive place so I'm glad you've found us.
I wonder if this link might be useful to help you find more support for your mum. It's great that she is living independently and you are all pitching in to help, but as things progress she'll need more help and it's a good idea to have things in place sooner rather than later.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Crissyoc and just to say welcome to this forum from me too. I am sorry to read of your Mum's dementia diagnosis, but it's good that she is still able to live independently with help from you and your sisters.
One other thing you may want to think about is organising Lasting Power of Attorney for both health and finance, as getting this done now will make things a lot easier a bit further down the track. You may already have this in hand, but if not, here's a link:
I hope you will find this a useful space to ask any questions you may have, or simply to let off a bit of steam, as members here really do want to help.