Hello there


New member
Sep 7, 2022
i live with my partner as some of you helped before when he got stuck in a recliner and i couldn’t get him out,
he has come on out of hospital monday and i have a down stairs hospital bed and he was in it okay for a few days, and he is very week as he has barely been eating since start of october, and i have supplements i can’t get him to drink, but my problem is yesterday he had a fall next to the bed, and this morning early hours a fall
but not so bad, his nurse this morning did a “fast track care” for us but hospital transport can’t get there tasl, before they stopped taking people at the home, so it’s set for morning, right now he is half on and half off the bed, i brought a sliding sheet which he was on but he is to heavy to move on my own the life line and 111, can’t help unless he falls off a third time, i don’t know what to do, i’m a support at the side of the bed to stop him falling off, i’ve tried asking him to help but he doesn’t understand how to help, especially with the amputation on his left leg/foot area,
i don’t half type a lot to get to the problem at hand


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
@Darrin what an awful situation for you to be in. I cannot offer you any advice but I hope that the nurse can resolve the issue for you today. Keep contacting her with updates on how your partner is and what he needs.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I’m so sorry to hear about what has happened @Darrin. I hope you have managed to get some help overnight.


New member
Sep 7, 2022
I’m so sorry to hear about what has happened @Darrin. I hope you have managed to get some help overnight.
when the nurse joanne turned up yesterday morning, she was going to do a heath check and change dressing and bandages on his bad leg, we talked about his two falls in a row and she decided to do a fast track thing, which with the help of the doctor and social worker they managed to find a space, once they had done that, we needed hospital transport which takes 4 hours, and the home stops accepting people being admitted after six pm, so they booked it for this morning, i spent the night close by as he was in pain from falls which had pulled a muscle and his foot, he wasn’t eating or drinking properly for me, i got a little water and a few spoonfuls of his ice cream with his tablets, and this morning a quarter a cup of tea,
we had trouble getting him from bed into transport wheel chair, i have seen the keep gripping before with his dementia and i managed to eventually help and at the home they had a machine hoist they put a belt around him, and that magically got up and they lowered him on to the best, and i handed over the medication and i had his stoma supplies and clothes and pyjamas and then nurses told me to come home and rest, i felt bad coming home he was just nodding on and off and wasn’t speaking so well, but i did get to give him a cuddle before i left, and have spent the rest of the day worrying about him,


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I hope you managed to get some rest eventually @Darrin and that your partner is getting rest and help as well.


Registered User
Aug 11, 2021
@Darrin, what a stressful situation for you both. Your partner is being looked after now. You should try to recharge your batteries. Look after yourself .