Hello, new to this


New member
Jun 24, 2024

Have been stuck in my own mind, probably denial about my mum having possible dementia. I say possible, she has all the signs and has had a test at our GP but we are on the waiting list for the Memory Clinic at the local hospital. Having been told it could be 10 months. But I feel she seems to be getting progressively. And I don't know where to start with all this. She has carers coming in and I see her every day. But watching her get more frail and confused is heartbreaking and I don't know what to do. I work full time, shift work so when I'm working I try and do as much as I can.

Was hoping to find some knowledge from people who know more about all this. I know she hasn't had the diagnosis so maybe I shouldn't be here. My partners stepfather died from Altzeimers years ago and he noticed all the similarities to how my mum was starting.

Hoping I can find out more information.
Thank you


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Hello @Elaines101 , welcome. You absolutely should be here even if your mum hasn’t got a diagnosis yet , you are worried about her and need maybe some advice, some support and a place to vent any worries you have.
As your mum already has carers going in they it looks like all the best things are being done. If you think she is needing more support then speak with social services for an assessment of your mums needs especially if it’s been a while since one was done.
Don’t spread yourself too thin as you are going to need your energy over the coming months and years. Have you got LPAs for your mum, if not now would be a good time to discuss this.
Read through the pages on here and ask any questions then have a little think about what actions might be needed in the future.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello and welcome from me and I'm sure us all too.
Been over 10 years on this site, wife first then mum too, we are are here to listen. K


Registered User
Dec 8, 2023
Hello, it sounds like you are doing an amazing job so far. It's heartbreaking seeing a loved one deteriorate and it can become all consuming. My tip is to celebrate what your mum can still do rather than beating yourself up with what she can't.... Very hard to do, I know x