Tracking devices

Julian G

New member
Jul 5, 2024
My wife has short term memory loss, but insists on going out for daily walks by herself. She also likes to take the train to London, and we lose sight of her for these periods. Can anyone suggest small (key ring) tracking devices which she (and I) may use so we can see where she is? The family have Android and Apple I phones.

sapphire turner

Registered User
Jan 14, 2022
You can track her on her iPhone with find my phone - slightly less helpful is the Apple AirPod which you can attach to keys etc. this is just a one off payment which uses signal bounced off passing iPhones to show where they are. In highly populated areas this works well, but away from other people (and their iPhones) it can be a bit vague (this person was here 25 mins ago).