Hello . My name is Margaret 1. I have been married for 55 years . I think my husband has Alzheimer’s or some form of dementia .

Margaret 1

New member
Jan 12, 2024
Hello. I have a husband with undiagnosed dementia. He refuses to discuss his memory loss with any doctor or any person. Yet. He continues to suffer from the memory loss..


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @Margaret 1 and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. This is quite a common issue when people have the start of memory loss. It could be that your husband just does not want to admit, even to himself, that his memory is not good.
All you can do at present is to keep a record of how this memory loss is affecting your husband and perhaps forward the list to his GP, with a suggestion that he calls your husband in for a 'well man' discussion.

Margaret 1

New member
Jan 12, 2024
Thank you . I have done that but he won’t talk to go. My son says wait until he has a major obvious problem. I kind of think that is obvious answer . In the meantime I live with much pain from his remarks . My choice I guess. My love has evaporated . Maybe I no longer act out of love but human care . It is still hard .


Registered User
Aug 18, 2022
So sorry this is happening to you, Margaret. It helps me to think of myself as a professional carer, so I don’t expect my husband to always be nice to me. Has your husband’s personality changed or have you had difficulties in your relationship before this started? You will find a lot of support here if you need to tell someone what is happening.


Registered User
Dec 30, 2011
You can write a list of your concerns and take them to your GP. Doctors must be familiar with this situation and should discuss with you how they can help. You should also get yourself registered at the surgery as a carer. Others on here have suggested getting their relative an appointment for an over 60s general health check up.