Hello....My 88 yr old mother is nearing the end and she is suffering from Dementia.


New member
May 22, 2024
I try to get her to eat and drink but all she will do is take a sip of water every time she gets up to use the bathroom. Refuses to bath and eat anything by mouth other than an Ensure or yogurt. I feel like I am starving her... :(


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
This is very typical of dementia behaviour, you are not starving her if you are offering her food and she is refusing it. Is she at home with you, do you get any support.? Maybe have a chat with the GP or Admiral Nurses.
It might also be worth checking with the Speech and Language Therapy team so that they can check for any issues with swallowing.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
No you are not starving her
I'm afraid that this is what happens when someone with dementia starts to reach the end. Their body starts to shut down (very slowly) and their appitite wanes. This state can go on for several months. Ensure or fortisip can often help


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
Part of the process, is that the body gradually starts closing down the digestive system. All resources are diverted to the core physical functions of heart, brain and lungs. If she eats or drinks, it takes very limited resources away from the systems she needs to stay alive.

Stopping eating is a survival mechanism for her body. You have nothing to feel bad about. Putting it baldly, your Mum isn’t dying because she isn’t eating or drinking. She isn’t eating or drinking, because she’s dying.