Hello I'm De, I'm new here. I really need some help and advice.


New member
Oct 29, 2023
I'm not sure that I'm posting this correctly. Sorry in advance.
I'm reaching out to someone for some help or advice about my elderly parents.
I am in my late fifties now I'm an only child of my parents who are 86 mother and 83 my Father.

My mother has always been quite a nasty woman and I've spent all my life terrified of her. As I've grown up I've realised how toxic the family unit was. My father has always been very protective of my mother and would do anything to keep her happy.
I now actually suspect that my mother had narcissistic personality disorder and my father was her enabler, and frightened of her also.

Sorry for rambling but I just wanted to give people the family dynamics and back story.

I have gone no contact with my mother now for 18 months, to protect my own mental health, as I have PTSD and other problems through her emotional and verbal abuse growing up.
I have been increasingly worried for my Dad, as now he is constantly verbally and psychologically abused by my mother 24/7.

I first got in contact with adult care about two years ago about my mother's behaviour towards my father and was basically told if he is willing to care for her and he is of sound mind then they couldn't intervene.
Fast forward to now she accused him of having an affair, not giving her any money and hiding her clothes. This is all not true and a few weeks ago she accused him of pushing her over and my father was detained in custody for 6 hours on suspected domestic abuse!. I have contacted social services again and informed their GP what has been going on.

Social services have been to access my mother but my father said she was so nice to them and played the victim. He is exhausted. He has done nothing but care for my mother.

Is it possible for someone with dementia to change their behaviour when in the company of adult care and Doctors. I just don't know what to do. I am worried my father won't cope with her for much longer.

I am their only family, I have chronic health problems myself and I live alone.

Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome to the Dementia Support Forum @Cherub17

I suggest the best thing for you to do is to contact the Support Helpline.

  • Monday to Wednesday: 9am – 8pm
  • Thursday and Friday: 9am – 5pm
  • Saturday and Sunday: 10am – 4pm
The people there will be able to advise on the best action for you.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Is it possible for someone with dementia to change their behaviour when in the company of adult care and Doctors.
Oh yes. Its a phenomenon known on here as being in "Host Mode" and other sites call it "Showtiming". Everyone who has cared for someone with dementia will have seen this. They cannot maintain this for long as it exhausts them, but jusy long enough for the doctor/authority figure/family member to conclude that there is very little wrong and you must be exaggerating........

Its not clear from your post whether your mother now has dementia or whether or not it is suspected. I think it would be best to write/email her GP and explain your concerns

BTW, accusations of affairs, stealing/withholding money are absolutely classic dementia, as are the false memories. If she doesnt have a diagnosis of dementia, I really think she needs investigating