Hello Everyone


New member
Sep 29, 2023
Hi I signed up in October 23 and haven't said hello yet. I just never seem to get the time to sit down and post! My parents are both in their 80s and my dad was diagnosed with Alzeihmer’s about 8 year ago. They live in their own home and my mam and I have managed to care for my dad together so far however it is becoming harder to manage as the Alzeihmer’s progresses. I go to see them almost every day and if I can't go we speak on the phone. My hubby had a brain haemorrhage a year ago and he's working part-time due to severe fatigue and cognitive issues so I'm caring for him too. Life is tough going at the moment and sometimes I feel just so overwhelmed!


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @DPea and welcome to this forum. I am glad you have made your first 'hello' on here, as sometimes just putting things down on here can help, and saying how you are feeling. This is a very friendly and safe space to do just that, and people really do want to help.

I am sorry to read about your Dad, and it is great that you and your Mam have been able to manage care for him at home. You will know that it is a progressive disease, so now is the best your Dad will be. You also have your own family commitments with your husband, so you should be careful that you don't reach 'burn out' stage. You will be no help to either is you do.
It can be all too encompassing and overwhelming to deal with, so do please have a think about some form of carer support for your Dad - it would take a bit of pressure off your Mum too.

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