Hello again.


Registered User
Feb 11, 2022
Hello everyone
This is rather a strange Hello as I’ve already posted a Hello some time ago. My main reason for doing this though, is because my darling Mum died suddenly last week. It’s awful and has been tough since her Alzheimer’s diagnosis, but one thing that has been a lifeline throughout , has been this forum.
I want to say this. If you are reading this and haven’t joined, I urge you to! Even if you never post, you might read something that you can empathise with and it will help you. If you do post, you will get responses. Not always ones that you expect , but certainly ones that will prompt thought and provide support. You will find what seems like an invisible army of supporters!!
Christmas this year is going to be very different to put it mildly, and for many of you, I know it will be too. Exhausting, challenging but still Christmas.
Just know that I’m sending you all much love. Look after YOU xx


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I’m so sorry for your loss @Sunshine11!

It’s always hard to lose a loved one but even more so at this time of the year. I’m so glad that you found the forum a support. Please keep coming here for support in the days and weeks to come.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Im so sorry to hear this news

Im glad that this forum has been a comfort to you. Do continue posting for as long as you want