Hello 😊


New member
Feb 26, 2024
Hello! My name is 'Flossyfo' and I'm new here. My lovely Mum has dementia. I noticed worrying behaviour nearly 7 years ago but we weren't able to get an official diagnosis until 2021 as Mum was very resistant. She has been cared for by her lovely partner of 12 years but we are now at a crossroads as his own mental health is being badly affected. I'm going to have a good look around the forum and post some questions. Thank you for having me here x


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Flossyflo welcome to the Dementia Support Forum, and what a cute looking dog in your avatar :)This is a great place for sharing experiences and receiving support and advice, and people are happy to help if they can. I see that you've now posted in the 'middle-later stages of dementia' forum and received some responses so I hope that you are already finding the forum helpful in terms of getting support for your lovely mum and her partner. Keep posting, you'll get lots of friendly support here.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello and welcome Flossyflo with or without the apostrophe at the end;);) just ask what you like when you're ready, all here to help. K


New member
Feb 26, 2024
I’m Christine. My very clever and funny husband has now got fairly advanced Alzheimer’s. He has no interests he won’t read, play games, and will only watch tv. He has problems with his mobility so I have a walker and a wheelchair for him
It’s just me to look after him. It’s breaking my heart and I have an awful habit of keeping my head buried in the sand. Though this year I’m determined to make progress.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello Christine, welcome to the Dementia Support Forum but sorry to hear about your situation. You will find lots of friendly support here from people who understand so it's good that you've reached out. It does sound as though you could do with some extra help, and it would give you a bit of a break too. I'm sure others will be along with suggestions and advice but as a first step you might want to think about contacting your local authority adult care team to ask for a care needs assessment for your husband and a carer's assessment for yourself. There may be a wait list but it would help to get the ball rolling. Details about the process are here:

If there's anything specific that you would like to ask, or even if you just want to have a bit of a vent, perhaps take a look through the 'I have a partner with dementia' forum and maybe join in with a conversation or start your own thread if it would help:



Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
I’m Christine. My very clever and funny husband has now got fairly advanced Alzheimer’s. He has no interests he won’t read, play games, and will only watch tv. He has problems with his mobility so I have a walker and a wheelchair for him
It’s just me to look after him. It’s breaking my heart and I have an awful habit of keeping my head buried in the sand. Though this year I’m determined to make progress.
Hello @Chris Farley , sorry to hear about your husband. My clever and funny OH is now late mid stage and is similar to your husband . He can de-code words when reading but has no comprehension. He struggles with games apart from the throwing type of target games and he no longer is capable of following storylines in TV dramas. My OH's mobility is poor and getting worse and I'm thinking of hiring a wheelchair to see if we would benefit from one of our own.
But.. we do still enjoy some things. We go to our dementia cafe , singing and games groups. It gives him some social interaction and me a chance to have a normal conversation! Have made friends there and we go to musicals and pantos together outside of the group.
Not what I envisaged for my retirement but life's ok.
Have you tried coffee clubs etc? Mine are my lifeline sometimes and I never thought it would be a me thing 😂