Gross care home fees following death


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Am trying to understand …..the care home are charging £2000 rather than £1800 for the room post death saying it is a gross figure 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ So I am being charged more for a room I’m not using when someone else is in it??? How does that make sense????


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Am trying to understand …..the care home are charging £2000 rather than £1800 for the room post death saying it is a gross figure 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ So I am being charged more for a room I’m not using when someone else is in it??? How does that make sense????

Am trying to understand …..the care home are charging £2000 rather than £1800 for the room post death saying it is a gross figure 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ So I am being charged more for a room I’m not using when someone else is in it??? How does that make sense????
Only in Gotyouoverabarrel Land.....You'd think that not needing to cater or care would make it cheaper, but they'd probably quote a cleaning and refurbishment fee. A good hotel in Kensington is currently (June 2024) quoting £141 per person per night....Go figure or go doolally!

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
They`re not making it easy for you, are they @sdmhred Have you considered contacting the Heline? They might be able to advise.



Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Thanks - if I don’t get any sense from them today I will call tomorrow. I havent told the finance department I know the room is now occupied - I have said I assume I am free to use what I have paid for 🤣🤣

I clearly won’t go and cause distress to the new resident but I am sorely tempted to turn up with a few bags to keep there over the weekend plus have some meals and enjoy their garden 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
If you’ve got the energy, make a fuss, say you’ll put on web site reviews, write to the local newspaper, phone local radio and tv. etc etc. It’s shameful what we put up with. I am feeling very bolshie today - they want to build a Biogas Plant a mile from our village- we don’t even have gas!!!!!


Registered User
Sep 14, 2022
Shame on them for causing you distress at what is already a difficult time for you after losing your lovely mum.

I definitely would question it, you shouldn’t have to pay more for an empty room. I hope you can resolve this quickly.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
That does sound so unfair, when my dad passed away the care home told us that as long as the room was cleared promptly we would not be charged. In effect they asked if they could clear the room as they had a waiting list of people needing care. We were not charged from the day of his passing.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
I had the same experience as @SeaSwallow. The care home my mum was in were so kind and helpful. My brother and I took the things of sentimental value and the home got rid of everything else for us. Shortly afterwards I got a refund for the weeks mum hadn't used that month.
I'd query it as nicely as possible at first. It could be head office making a mistake rather than them trying to get more money out of you.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Thanks 🙏 I tend to frame initial emails as me not understanding 🙈🙈

In terms of FNC / CHC her application is still in process and assessment.

it’s just another example of where the system batters folk with dementia.

Now that mum has ‘released me’ I will be a voice where I can …..but the problems are so big it’s hard to know where to put ur energies to be effective.

Last night I visited the home and had half an hour with my dementia friends with ice lollies ….at least I knew that energy was appreciated as there were smiles all round and again I was the pied piper of dementia with a line following me 🥰🥰


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Calculated guess; if your Mum was receiving the nursing element from the NHS, was this lost when she passed?
So you’re right …the extra is the FNC but we were never told this….the lady on the phone told me we should have been and is querying…..she also tells me I am free to use the room 😱😱🤣🤣 I didn’t tell her someone is in it… saving that beauty 🤣🤣

The care home is good…but I have discovered the admin is lacking….I let it go as hands on care was good but I did see a few other little errors in my time ……


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
I'm pretty sure they can't charge you for food not supplied/eaten. They probably can charge you a fee for deep cleaning/refurbishing/repairs should those things be needed. (And they will say they are needed.)

Giving you a 'gross' figure is unacceptable. Insist on an itemised invoice and justification of their charges.

Care homes try it on, at every stage as they know most people won't even question it, especially at this difficult time. I caught mum's care home making what I will call 'errors in their favour' on a few occasions, e.g. being charged for 3 hairdressing appointments when the hairdresser was actually away on holiday. I did get an apology and was of course told it was 'just an oversight' but I wonder how many other residents were similarly charged :mad:


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
So you’re right …the extra is the FNC but we were never told this….the lady on the phone told me we should have been and is querying

Next bombshell
They were not receiving FNC and want to back charge you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do they ask for 2 weeks gross in the case of CHC funded residents?
Last edited:


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
They’ve lied and told me they told me she was getting FNC 😡😡😡😡😡 I overheard a nurse lie to a family member the week mum died regarding a fall which raised My eyebrows at the time…….I’m of the generation which still thinks lying is wrong.

Finance have pushed it back to the home which also gets my goat….I wanted to keep the home out of it and deal just with the head office.

if it is policy for them to charge for a room twice from me and the new resident I will take it to the ombudsman as a matter of principle


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
They’ve lied and told me they told me she was getting FNC 😡😡😡😡😡 I overheard a nurse lie to a family member the week mum died regarding a fall which raised My eyebrows at the time…….I’m of the generation which still thinks lying is wrong.

Finance have pushed it back to the home which also gets my goat….I wanted to keep the home out of it and deal just with the head office.

if it is policy for them to charge for a room twice from me and the new resident I will take it to the ombudsman as a matter of principle
yes, take it as far as you can ..this sounds like theft, nobody with the job they have are that stupid that they don't know what they're doing, they're hoping that family are so upset that they won't queery's a disgrace..Good luck x


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
I have sent a nice email assuming a misunderstanding to give them the chance to issue a refund from yesterday when the room was re used.

i have also said I would assume any change in fees would be provided in writing which I have not been provided with

And could they confirm that it is contractually ok to charge for a room twice?

i was going to send an email thanking the carers and giving funeral arrangements - in fact I think I still will as that is in my character - gosh! No one prepares you for this.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
You can’t make these thIngs up!

- care home finance issue is being passed to a business manager. Nobody of course has answered by query regarding me paying for a room that is being used by someone else

- AND the CCG sent an outcome regarding mum’s CHC/FNC to the WRONG ADDRESS 😱😱😱 massive data blunder and breach - so that’s another thing to complain about

I am getting good at it tho. I complained to Thames Water 7 months ago as nursing home left without supply for 48 hours and no bottled water sent for over 24 hours…..received today £90 in post from them. No letter - just a cheque! As I am an ex carer on a PT wage that can be my treat and coffee fund!


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
finally sorted this ..

Have gone from being billed £70 on top of the 2 weeks already paid…several emails…

to…having the £70 written off….several more emails…

…refund for 5 days given £1200 …several more emails…

refund £1500 agreed for 6 days! BUT I have to wait 2 weeks for the money….

The things is if I had sent none of the emails ….none of this would have happened and care home would be quids up!

what a disgusting process…..I have felt a little ‘dirty’ in a way asking for money and complaining in this time of grief …only to find at every stage i am right ….

next job is to complain regarding mum’s confidential information which the NHS has sent goodness knows where!