Greater Manchester Lockdown


Registered User
Nov 1, 2016
Not having a good day! First, Mums care home rang me this morning to say that two residents have tested positive for Covid 19 so they have gone into Lckdown again and my gazebo visit tomorrow is cancelled. Mum is fine, all residents were tested last week and hers was negative. She refused to stay in her room when she was in isolation as a new resident so I hope the lockdown is just restricting visitors.

Then to cap it off, Greater Manchester is now entering a return to partial lockdown with two households banned from indoor visits - the BBC news said garden visits are also not allowed. So my son won't be coming to see me this weekend as he has to stay the night. I can still go to the pub though with another household - mad or what?

I live just a mile from Cheshire which is not affected so technically I could still visit friends there but I'm not going to push the boundaries. My tentative steps outside my house will stop for now !

Starting on a journey

Registered User
Jul 9, 2019
It’s a bit complicated!!
If you are living alone and are in a bubble with your son you could still meet up as you would be classed as one household.!!
Never quite sure of the BBC these days....the information it gives is not always accurate.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Then to cap it off, Greater Manchester is now entering a return to partial lockdown with two households banned from indoor visits - the BBC news said garden visits are also not allowed. So my son won't be coming to see me this weekend as he has to stay the night. I can still go to the pub though with another household - mad or what?

For info, here's the guidance explaining what you can and can't do. You can't go to indoor public venues such as pubs/restaurants etc to socialise with people you don’t live with but as above, if you have formed a support bubble with your son (if either of you live alone) then he can still stay with you. Even if the care home wasn't already in lockdown the guidance states: You should not visit friends or family in care homes, other than in exceptional circumstances. Care homes should restrict visits to these circumstances.

Starting on a journey

Registered User
Jul 9, 2019
The interesting part of this is that the government is enshrining these changes in law rather than guidance. With guidance you can always just ignore is different, ignoring it can mean penalties. I guess they are really worried and getting tough over it.
I am absolutely gutted. I had not seen my 97 mother in law since lockdown and was very strict about it to protect my mum as my sister in law whom she lives with still went out and about in a high infection area. Now I find I can’t even go to the garden!! Oh why didn’t I go last week!!


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
It seems that the tougher restrictions are being brought in as people have been ignoring social distancing, but it's hard on those who have been following the guidance. Where I live (in east London) there are a lot of people who aren't social distancing and to be honest it probably wouldn't make any difference to them whether it was law or guidance, they still wouldn't do it. There are also lots not wearing masks in shops either and they can't all be exempt but no one seems to be enforcing it.

There was an interesting article on the BBC about how people who are feeling less concerned about the virus are less encouraged to protect their community:

Prof Robert West from University College London, a member of the behavioural science group which feeds into Sage, said the level of concern people feel about the virus was easing, and was even lower among young people.

He said this level of concern was the "key thing" which encouraged people to take the necessary action to protect their community. "We need to ramp that back up to appropriate levels."

Prof West told BBC Radio 4's Today programme a lack of direction and communication from government meant the public may not have a clear sense of the risk and what they ought to be doing now.

Starting on a journey

Registered User
Jul 9, 2019
I do think city life is different.On Monday I escaped the Leicester lockdown into the county and everyone was wearing a mask and wearing it properly, sanitizer was used, social distancing was clear. The next day in the city (suburbs) I had to pick mums prescription up from the chemist...masks were being worn , but not properly....being taken off to speak and groups of men hanging around the closed betting shop not wearing them at all!!


Registered User
Nov 1, 2016
Unfortunately I am not in a bubble with either of my children, both live too far away really and my son wanted to see his girlfriend - far more important than his Mum!

Still, I can still meet up to six people outdoors in a public place which includes pub gardens - bit mad really!


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011

Starting on a journey

Registered User
Jul 9, 2019
I wonder how many people are sticking to this. We have the same regulations for Leicester...a straw poll through my window indicates that about 0% of my neighbours are following it. After an additional 4 weeks of lockdown asking us to give up distancing meetings with families is for many one step too far!!
I am looking to buy a garden heater as my girls are both teachers so when they go back to school, even if technically allowed in, it would be better to meet in the garden!!


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
A few well publicised fixed penalises would focus people's attention.

A well known footballer held a 21st party for his son in Oldham last Friday, the police attended, all they could do was issue a statement:-
'Officers attended and engaged with an individual, explaining the restrictions and encouraging them to be compliant.'

I hope that any similar events will mean the event is stopped and incur a £100 fixed penalty for each attendee.


Registered User
Nov 1, 2016
I live in Greater Manchester and every night this week there have been hoards of teenagers wandering the streets and congregating in parks. On Sunday I drove through Stockport centre to pick up my grocery order and it was heaving with crowds of people wandering the streets, car parks were full and bars were doing a roaring trade. So little evidence of following the new guidance near me.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
convenience shops and most shops are advised not to enforce the wearing of the mask in case of confrontation and violence.also said there was not enough police to arrest or respond to all the incidences. i gave my grandson a face covering as he was going with dad and grandad [just out of shielding] to tesco it was brand new still sealed packet and he didnt put it on once. hes nearly 15 as well so can well understand it is mandatory


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
I live on the very edge of the area - so much so that I'm not sure if I'm actually in it or not!

Things are OK here for the most part - people wearing masks in shops and so forth. Otherwise it's not actually much different from the original lockdown, but I'm a hermit so don't see many people anyway...

I did see a bloke in our little corner Tesco not wearing a mask. No idea if he was entitled to not wear one but everyone was giving him dirty looks.


Volunteer Host
Nov 6, 2008
When leicester was in lockdown we had access to a website into which you entered your post code and it flagged up if you were in or out of the area..

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I did see a bloke in our little corner Tesco not wearing a mask. No idea if he was entitled to not wear one but everyone was giving him dirty looks.

This is the problem . We will give dirty looks but be afraid to confront them.

Two people with a baby got on my bus carrying their masks in their hands. Once they sat down started to eat.

Everyone else looked but no one asked why they couldn`t have eaten before they got on the bus.

These days we don`t ask for fear of a public bust up.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
i have seen them down south where i live that the mask are being worn under the chin so they can smoke a cigarette making the mask totally useless


Registered User
Jan 13, 2019
Trouble is, how can you prove somebody should be wearing a mask when they can claim they don’t have to for whatever reason. The whole thing is a farce and completely unenforceable.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Some wearing a face covering is better than none.

Everything relies on people playing their part.

With the track and trace there are probably many who are resisting tracing because they don't want unpaid time off work.

Some will be asymptomatic but still shedding the virus and after a couple of weeks will be convinced they did the correct thing because they were not infected.


Registered User
Dec 30, 2011
I'm not even sure if the guidance now is to self-isolate for 7 days or 10 days if you test positive? will check.