grandmother hearing things. thinks neighbours hate her


Registered User
Apr 8, 2014
Hi my grandmother got diagnosed last month with vascular dementia and thinks her neighbour has a vendetta against her ( her neighbour is an elderly widow with heart problems). For about 6 months now she says she hears her singing playing music really late at night/ early hours of morning. She also hears a man's voice and she can hear them talking outside at 2 am in a morning.( the neighbour lives alone) She said she's heard them call her horrible names. At her worse she got herself so worked up she got up and went knocking on her windows at 6am..with a walking stick saying stop it. The neighbours friends had to ring my mum and I had to pick her up and she stopped at mine. My mum always stops on a wed night and she has never heard singing/music. Sometimes she gets really angry other times gets really upset. If I try and explain she could be hearing things she gets mad and says she knows the neighbour is doing it on a purpose. She has now said she wants to put the bungalow up for sale, she'd rather live in a nursing home than live there. I think she does want to move closer to me... I live about 10 miles away.. What is the best way to deal with it? Tell her the truth or just agree with her? At the moment my nan is extremely independent and doesn't need help with anything... regularly goes in to town and loves to do her own shopping... Any advise would be great

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