Funeral tomorrow


Registered User
Hello Jill I am glad all was well today

And yes, Jill, if you feel comfortable and want to stay with us here on TP you must, I only joined TP after I lost my mum, hadn't heard of it before. I have received a lot of support and think I have given it too. I think you will too.:)
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Registered User
I'm sure you did your dad proud Jill, well done for getting through it all.

Try to enjoy a few days rest now.

Jan x


Registered User
Dear Jill,

You have done well and I am so glad that your poem went down well "Is it too late?". I hope you feel proud of yourself as time passes by. I am sure you know Talking Point is here for you in your loss should you have the need.

Love and wishing you strength and peace for the days, weeks, months ahead.


Registered User
I'm glad the funeral went as you wanted it to. Your poem is lovely - you have made your Dad proud I'm sure. Very best wishes XXX

jill edwards

Registered User
Handed in keys

Handed in the keys to the bungalow so I guess that's it. Just waiting to hear from insurances now so it's over. After giving in the keys I went for lunch with my cousin who I was at school with. She's the nearest thing to a sister in have and she has my aunt who is suffering with dementia. Aunt is in a nursing home but it was nice to support each other and I told her how good it was to cone on here and how much you had helped me. We are going to try and keep in touch. She has taken early retirement so finds it a little easier. Thanks again for the support in chatting to my cousin we remembered happy times we shared on holiday together. Happy memories and I will hold them in my heart forever.
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Registered User
Hello Jill,

That was a big day for you then - handing in the keys. How nice that you and your cousin were able to spend some time together remembering happy holiday times:)

Kind wishes


jill edwards

Registered User
Happy memories

Yes at least I have them to hold on to but I felt so empty and it all seemed so final. I'm not. Looking forward to Monday when I have to go back to school.A bit scared I won't cope and will crack up infringement of the kids I've talked to them many times and said the right things but somehow its so different. I'm sure it will be OK well kind of sure. The longer I leave it the worse it will be.


Registered User
handing in the keys is hard jill, final as you say. I understand how you feel.

you are in my thoughts today, here for you :)