Funeral preparation checklist


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Yes @GROCKLE it will be the death certificate that is requested. I was surprised at the variety of requests. Some utilities were happy for my spoken word and nothing more, others were happy to have an emailed copy, but the more financial institutions wanted to see an original - we bought 5 so we weren’t waiting them to come back from each company.

im well impressed you’ve managed this all from abroad. I’m running into several banks who are asking me to go into branch for POA - I’m resisting as working and caring which is quite enough to do!


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Doing all this tidying up is the legally duty of the executor, you just have to be helpful and provide all the details.

Anything more than that you should check with the solicitor acting as executor.

There's a wonderful sounding legal term intermeddling


Registered User
Jul 7, 2021
Yes @GROCKLE it will be the death certificate that is requested. I was surprised at the variety of requests. Some utilities were happy for my spoken word and nothing more, others were happy to have an emailed copy, but the more financial institutions wanted to see an original - we bought 5 so we weren’t waiting them to come back from each company.

im well impressed you’ve managed this all from abroad. I’m running into several banks who are asking me to go into branch for POA - I’m resisting as working and caring which is quite enough to do!
Remember if the LPoAs have been registered after 1st Jan 2016, it's easy to give an organisation access to view them by sending them the code via E-Mail
I initially had the same problems as you with certified copies, now it's so convenient, even sometimes on a Utility Chat, they have asked for it and I set it up in another window, copy the link and code over and it is done in the course of the chat. Got my sister's Electric bill down that way to 57pence monthly, she was so much in credit.
Remember it has been pandemic time, and everything had to be done online. to set it up and get the code for them to view your code
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Registered User
Jul 7, 2021
I've come across an older forum entry,
But I am not sure how fresh the content is, since it was started in 2008 and stopped back in 2017.
Maybe I can extract some of the more important entries from this and try and create a structured list? In fact, I have learnt very quickly a lot from your interaction and I'm trying to create a list with important links and ideas.
  • What "Paperwork" will I need:
    • Medical Certificate to register the death (Executor) to get the...Death Certificate
    • Death Certificate
    • Will ☑️
    • Deeds of the property if available ☑️
    • Funeral Plan Certificate if available ☑️
    • It seems the PoAs lose their power on death, maybe it's a good idea to get them activated in all places you might require them beforehand. Utilities for example? ☑️
  • PLAs lose their PoA rights, Executors take over from PLAs,Overview,passed on to the beneficiaries ⬅️
  • Apparently, there may be "Benefits and financial support when someone dies"
  • Guidance: Public Guardian practice note: notification of death (Executor)
  • Banks: Notify them. I, as PoA will lose access? ⬅️
    Pitfall: Apparently on notification, all existing Direct Debits and Standing Orders, also Utility Bills will be cancelled, but interesting to know this is not the case for Joint Accounts! But, it is no longer the PLAs responsibility to sort out the bills, but the executors, I have been informed.
  • Investments: List of all investment accounts, including ISAs, NS&I, reduce and prepare them beforehand ☑️
    I have moved the ISA, and cancelled another Investment Account, NS&I might be necessary to sell some once to pay for continued care.
    Q. What happens on the day of the death of the person you trigger an internal transfer online to the person's own account to simplify matters, say NS&I transfer to Saver? Is this a problem, if you do this just at the same time as applying for the death certificate? The only benefit for me would be simplicity - no financial gain.
  • Simplify, reduce, and consolidate now: something we should all be doing. I'm guilty of not doing it for myself, but I have been doing it for my sister, reducing Direct Debits, Accounts, unnecessary payments, and sorry to some deserving charities 😢 , less to cancel in the end and while my PoAs are currently still valid. ⬅️
  • Funeral, Service, Cremation, contact the church if required
  • to be expanded
My first observations are that many tasks should be initiated within quite short notice, within 5 days, but can apparently be relaxed holidays and opening times restrict it!

Checklist development is ongoing​

Because I can no longer actually "Edit" this list online, I shall continue its expansion offline, and at a suitable time bring back the latest version. So keep the questions and comments to this discussion coming in. Thanks to all contributors, it has already helped me a lot to start to prepare for the inevitable. 🙏
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Registered User
Jul 7, 2021
You say there is a will which means an executor (or executors) will have been appointed, you also say there ae LPAs, note that the PLAs loose their power on the donor's death and the executor(s) takeover. the estate-,Overview,passed on to the beneficiaries .

The 5 days limit for notifying the death is quite often relaxed typically where the registry office has limited opening days and long bank holiday week ends are involved.
I'm understanding that we must provide the executors of the will with the following sort of information at the date of death - is this correct, with values, without?
This means to me the the PoA must login and check after the death to get this information?

AssetAddressAccount NumberAmount?
Bank Name1Bank Roadxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?????
NS&INSI Avenuexxxxxxxxxxxxxx?????


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
You don't have to, it's up to executor to obtain this, giving them bank(s) and account number(s) will help them, the more info you give a professional executor the less their bill.

Balance at DOD is required.
Executor will then negotiate with bank, with some accounts this can involve complexities like differentiating between interest earned and credited to account at DOD and interest earned but not credited at DOD.

<It cost one institution two half cases of wine first insisting to withhold info until probate and then saying they could only give me balance at closure and not DOD>


Registered User
Jul 7, 2021
You don't have to, it's up to executor to obtain this, giving them bank(s) and account number(s) will help them, the more info you give a professional executor the less their bill.

Balance at DOD is required.
Executor will then negotiate with bank, with some accounts this can involve complexities like differentiating between interest earned and credited to account at DOD and interest earned but not credited at DOD.

<It cost one institution two half cases of wine first insisting to withhold info until probate and then saying they could only give me balance at closure and not DOD>
OK, thanks for this, if it reduces the bill and maybe speeds up the process, I think I will prepare a simple excel spreadsheet with everything along these lines. I have been consolidating these assets for the past couple of years now.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2021
I'm understanding that we must provide the executors of the will with the following sort of information at the date of death - is this correct, with values, without?
This means to me the the PoA must login and check after the death to get this information?

AssetAddressAccount NumberAmount?
Bank Name1Bank Roadxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?????
NS&INSI Avenuexxxxxxxxxxxxxx?????
I was just searching online for " executor assets excel templates " and this gave me some useful links including a Microsoft365 Template " Probate inventory " built for the US but seems to be completely adaptable in structure. You will possibly need your Microsoft 365 account to access it.
Even if I am not the executor it is a well-structured way of understanding the information I have to collect together.
There was also a UK template link including an Asset and Liabilities Checklist in Word. The link also includes Word Letter templates to HMRC and State Pensions and other useful links.
And a 2017 forum discussion about "audit trail spreadsheet for executor" on Martin Lewis's


Registered User
Jul 7, 2021
Only have a local account so any access to 365 would be very limited.
You seem to be delving into areas you are going to pay the solicitor to take care off.
With this in mind here's some more rainy day reading .
Yes, I understand that, but I downloaded it, modified it and filled out the essential information, I would have to provided anyway, and also found out some items which I might need to provide proof of which I have. So it was a useful exercise and done now and all saved in that special folder. Virtually very few updates will need to be made, and I won't have to think too much about it when the time comes. This is why I am preparing this.
Thanks for the link, as it happens exactly now I have time :D
Have a good weekend, and thanks for your support.
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Registered User
Apr 2, 2023
Don't be alarmed if it takes longer than 2 weeks for a funeral date, some I know in the south-west have been closer to 4 weeks. I don't know how detailed the funeral plan is, but you may need to think about some hymns/ music/ readings/ order of service etc. I can see the Solicitor has the Executor role, but they or the vicar may ask if there aren't exacting details. Funeral Director can help with the order of service etc.
One of the things we hadn't considered before is whether we'd allow open casket viewings - although that was a quick no once mentioned, and what clothing he would wear.


Registered User
Jul 7, 2021
Don't be alarmed if it takes longer than 2 weeks for a funeral date, some I know in the south-west have been closer to 4 weeks. I don't know how detailed the funeral plan is, but you may need to think about some hymns/ music/ readings/ order of service etc. I can see the Solicitor has the Executor role, but they or the vicar may ask if there aren't exacting details. Funeral Director can help with the order of service etc.
One of the things we hadn't considered before is whether we'd allow open casket viewings - although that was a quick no once mentioned, and what clothing he would wear.
Oh dear, that would cause me problems. In my mum's case 11 years ago, we visited her, we visited her, 2 days later she died, I went back to Switzerland, 1 week later returned for the funeral. Looks like I need to buy a Channel Tunnel season ticket.
The Funeral plan says cremation. But I am not at all religious, yet the friends of my sisters' church have been so helpful these past 2–3 years, I feel I should do something for them. I am in contact by E-Mail with both the Funeral Director, adjacent to the care home, and also with the vicar of the church.
I see I'm going to have to deliberate on this carefully.
What are the exacting details you mean, about the type of funeral, because all that is written in the Funeral Plan is cremation. For the ashes, we would have the same solution as for my mothers.


Registered User
Apr 2, 2023
When Dad died I weirdly looked in the obiturary part of the local paper to see if I could get an idea of how long it was taking for funerals to take place. Cremations (in somerset) were taking on average 3 weeks. We went for the first available slot, and that was 27 days later, but was 22 days after we'd registered the death. For some bizarre reason the Crematorium was only operating 3 days a week...
But these things are variable, so it might be absolutely fine. I think there's 3 crematoriums in Devon, 2 in the south, so hopefully things aren't too much of a wait. You could have a vicar at the crematorium doing the service, or a service at the church first and then the crematorium. If you have the former, you could do a celebration of life at the church on a later date.
Have you thought about whether you would have a wake, and where that might be?


Registered User
Jul 7, 2021
When Dad died I weirdly looked in the obiturary part of the local paper to see if I could get an idea of how long it was taking for funerals to take place. Cremations (in somerset) were taking on average 3 weeks. We went for the first available slot, and that was 27 days later, but was 22 days after we'd registered the death. For some bizarre reason the Crematorium was only operating 3 days a week...
But these things are variable, so it might be absolutely fine. I think there's 3 crematoriums in Devon, 2 in the south, so hopefully things aren't too much of a wait. You could have a vicar at the crematorium doing the service, or a service at the church first and then the crematorium. If you have the former, you could do a celebration of life at the church on a later date.
Have you thought about whether you would have a wake, and where that might be?
I'm actually feeling really lost here as to what to do, I had to look up wake to find out what it is.
I know only two of my sister's friends who have helped so much and my nearby cousin and his wife who have also helped. Ideally a very small event with them at a favourite restaurant with a view we often went to with my sister. But what about those from the church community who knew my sister, maybe not so well and probably haven't seen her in the past years, because of Covid and her Alzheimers' inability to visit the church? I don't know them at all and only have contact with the vicar. Maybe he should be included, because of the help he initiated with the two church friends when I was desperate for support.
Both my parents' funerals, were simple cremations, no church involvement, also various ones here in Switzerland with the exception of one were very simple.