Forward Ho!


Registered User
May 17, 2014
West Sussex
Just catching up, LadyA. Glad you are enjoying being able to spend time with your family and full of admiration for what you are achieving at home. Have just completed painting the furniture in what was Fred's bedroom prior to carpet being laid tomorrow and am hoping I've chosen the right shade when it all comes together. Moved a long unit when it was emptied ready to paint and found the combs Fred swore he had never had and which I just kept replacing - all 9 of them, 2 nail files and numerous silver 'dishes' from the individual apple pies that he used to love! Have to move the bed today, so goodness knows what will be under there!!!! Am just glad I have enough strength to move these things or would be really shamed by the amount of grunge that has collected on skirting boards etc. It will probably collect there again as I can't see me moving it around too much in the future. Ce la vie!
Hope William will settle in his new home. Was it yesterday he was moving?

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Well done Truth. I am sure the colour choice will be perfect. Take care moving the bed now. X :)


Registered User
Oct 13, 2013
North Somerset
Thanks rathbone. Bed now dismantled and skirting boards all washed! Now trying to get paint off furniture handles. Suppose I should have taken them off before painting but there are so many and I'm only an amateur! Luckily the paint is water based so it's not too bad, just time consuming. Hopefully by this time tomorrow will have most things back in place again so that will be the moment of truth. Haha!

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Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
Well done Truth! :)

I'm still ploughing through the junk, books, books, books & more books!

Went to see William today in the new nursing home. Poor love, he looked very confused and scared. And he never raised a smile at all. And - they had shaved his beard off!!:eek: Obviously, the information hadn't been passed from the other nursing home, that he has a beard for religious reasons. I had had to trim it very short, as he wouldn't allow me or the care assistant here to wash his face for months - so it was very encrusted underneath the beard. I spoke to the Nursing Director, and explained, and she apologised profusely, and said they won't shave him now again until it grows back. He looked so weird without it!:(

I'm exhausted, and sitting here with Ella Fitzgerald belting out in the background. Enjoying it immensley!


Registered User
Oct 13, 2013
North Somerset
How are you feeling after your visit? Probably very sad. Still feel like that when I visit Fred especially as he has slept through my last 3 visits. How I miss him at home, specially when doing things we always did together. Will we ever get used to that?

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Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
How are you feeling after your visit? Probably very sad. Still feel like that when I visit Fred especially as he has slept through my last 3 visits. How I miss him at home, specially when doing things we always did together. Will we ever get used to that?

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The guilt monster raised it's ugly head a bit. But I reminded myself firmly how bad things were, and how much William was deteriorating physically - losing an average of 3lbs per week - because I simply couldn't manage him. The struggle and stress of trying to hide all his medication in different food & drinks - and then hoping that he would eat/drink them. The stress & anxiety - ok, downright fear - at getting up time and going to bed time about dressing/undressing him and changing his pads. The nigh-on impossible job of keeping him clean when he was physically fighting me off. So I think I won that particular round with the guilt monster - he really didn't have a leg to stand on, and was solely relying on that William looks confused. Well, he would - he's been landed in a new environment and hasn't had time to adjust. I do wish there was a bed available in the other home!:(

And I've just realised, I forgot to pay them!!:eek:


Registered User
Oct 13, 2013
North Somerset
Perhaps a bed will become available and he can go back. Keep fighting that monster. Our sensible selves know we didn't have an option.

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Registered User
Feb 3, 2014
Forward Ho indeed!

Just got back from a week away & caught up with the end of the old thread & this new one. Boy have you been busy. Good on ya! I would like half your energy please?

Keep up the good work. I am sure William will settle in his new CH soon.


Registered User
May 17, 2014
West Sussex
Good to hear you are still out there fighting your corner, literally, LadyA. I am so pleased for you that you have your life back and are gradually finding what the house looks like underneath all the accumulated stuff. I am so sorry to hear about them shaving William and get well understand your shock at seeing him clean shaven. I remember my small daughter screaming and screaming at the "strange" man in bed with Mummy when that happened, again without warning to us (former husband's decision).
Keep up the gOod work and most of all, so happy that you are enjoying yourself. More power to you. Love X Shelagh:)


Registered User
May 17, 2014
West Sussex
Thanks rathbone. Bed now dismantled and skirting boards all washed! Now trying to get paint off furniture handles. Suppose I should have taken them off before painting but there are so many and I'm only an amateur! Luckily the paint is water based so it's not too bad, just time consuming. Hopefully by this time tomorrow will have most things back in place again so that will be the moment of truth. Haha!

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Well, Verity, yesterday was tomorrow, if you get my drift. How was it? X Love Shelagh:)


Registered User
Apr 30, 2013
Thanks rathbone. Bed now dismantled and skirting boards all washed! Now trying to get paint off furniture handles. Suppose I should have taken them off before painting but there are so many and I'm only an amateur! Luckily the paint is water based so it's not too bad, just time consuming. Hopefully by this time tomorrow will have most things back in place again so that will be the moment of truth. Haha!

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A little tip. My arthritic fingers don't allow me to get the handles and things off, so I smear a little oil or cream (anything will do) over the door furniture before I begin painting, and then when everything wooden is bone dry, I wipe the handles and things with a piece of kitchen towel, then a couple of baby wipes, and this seems to do the trick.

I also found that before I start painting, hot water and an old pan scourer removed decades of old paint. :) Sometimes, I am so impressed by my efforts, that I feel a tremendous connection with Michaelangelo, after he painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. :D

Nothing to do with anything really, but I don't usually eat breakfast, however today, I made myself Eggs Benedict (never had them before), and they were delicious. :)


Registered User
Oct 13, 2013
North Somerset
Et voila. Nearly finished result. Think Fred would probably hate it but it looks a lot fresher/cleaner. Thanks for the tips Scarlett. Will make a note of them for when I have the energy to start again
Got to do the mirror. Forgot about that until I saw the photo!
PS glad you were able to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling with one hand while making eggs Benedict with the other. Talk about multi talented. Oh forgot, doing both while making up verse in your head too. WOW!

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Registered User
Apr 30, 2013
How fresh and inviting that looks! :) And how clever are you, uploading photos! My goodness, you can decorate, LadyA can stand, invincible, with her power tools, whilst I'll make Eggs Benedict, and any poems required. :D


Registered User
Feb 10, 2014
thanks to all of you for this lovely thread - it is one of the highlights of my day catching up with what you are getting done and appreciating the humour. I know it not a bed of roses for any of you, however there is the feeling of light ahead even in the darkest tunnels. Hugs all round.:)


Registered User
Oct 13, 2013
North Somerset
Thank you Thebes. As you know, we have to look for humour wherever we can. Yesterday I was devastated but, by offloading onto my TP friends, I have regained my equilibrium and feel reasonably capable of going on again (until my next session). In common with most of us I believe, I keep busy so that I don't have time to think. So I thank God for TP as a place where I can be open and honest and feel no embarrassment and can count on support and understanding from fellow members.

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Registered User
Mar 31, 2014
South Wiltshire
Thank you Thebes. As you know, we have to look for humour wherever we can. Yesterday I was devastated but, by offloading onto my TP friends, I have regained my equilibrium and feel reasonably capable of going on again (until my next session). In common with most of us I believe, I keep busy so that I don't have time to think. So I thank God for TP as a place where I can be open and honest and feel no embarrassment and can count on support and understanding from fellow members.

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Well done truth24, looks fantastic and you must feel such a sense of achievement.Big hugs.

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Registered User
May 17, 2014
West Sussex
Well it looks lovely Verity. How sweet of you to let us have a look. I particularly like the colours you have chosen; very lifting of Spirit. Love X Shelagh:)