Flying with Alzheimer’s


Registered User
Jun 16, 2024
My mum has travelled by herself in the past to visit my brother who lives in Singapore. I care for my mum in the uk. She has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. I contacted Singapore Airlines and as expected if she wants to fly alone again to Singapore she needs a letter from the doctor saying she is stable to fly.

My question is simple. It’s a bit of a chicken in egg situation as I see it. You have to book flights in advance to get good deals but then when does she have to have the exam and letter? If she has the exam and letter a month before she is due to fly and is told she can’t, she has wasted her money on the flight.

Unless her insurance might pay out? Maybe that is the answer?
Has anyone had any experience of this?


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
How about Prunella Scales? She is 11 years post diagnosis and from the book Timothy West wrote last year is functioning well.

The media says she has vascular dementia but I am pretty sure I read she has some Alzheimer’s too???

I guess nothing may take away your mum’s fear logic wise but perhaps watch and see what she responds to. And the vast majority will die from something related to their dementia as did Terry Pratchett

I found with my mum what worked was to say, ‘but your illness is quite mild you can still do this, that and the other….’. It worked right until the end when I was comparing her to others worse off and she was left happier.

If she is depressed and anxious post diagnosis i would also speak to GP. These are understandable with such a diagnosis and some medication may be indicated


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
I think going to Singapore is a big ask for someone who has Alzheimers, even if they have been there before. It is common for people with dementia to suddenly fail to recognise even familiar places like their own home, and being away from home and having to navigate a busy airport and flight is likely to be quite stressful. And as Nitram says there is the possibility that if she noticeably deteriorates while there, she may not be accepted on the return flight.
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