Finding it really hardddd!!!


Registered User
Jun 10, 2024
As I’ve said before in here dad is in a care home with possible vascular dementia.

I visit often due to the emotional blackmail my dad uses on me. At times he looks at me more than a daughter, his relationship towards me has always be a little obsessive, told me the other day “I thought we were an item” when I’m about to leave to go home he “acts up” getting anxious and starts asking questions about appointments he’s got coming up to keep me around longer. Yet throughout the day he’s fine. He expects me to keep visiting him even though it’s getting too expensive, because if I don’t turn up he gets anxious and I get a call from the care home saying he wants to speak to me even though I probably seen him the day before. I’ve spoken to him numerous times (while he can understand) about I need time to myself for the sake of my mental health and to be rested to be able to do my job properly. I do the most for him out of any of his other kids and family members and yet I’m the one that’s spoken to like s***. I went to the shops while visiting him today and while I was away he had his blood pressure taken I got back and he said “where have u been they just taken my blood pressure it was high”. And starts getting aggressive.
Am I not allowed five minutes to myself, when many hours of the other days I’m constantly sorting out stuff for him? And always neglecting myself?

I am finding myself slowly losing my “rag” with him at times and answering back when he talks to me in a way I don’t like.

I feel mentally drained, exhausted worrying about stuff all the time and resent him for always wanting me to be around. Im exhausted with this whole situation and if I’m honest fed up with life.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
You are being read, don't really know what to say other than there's always someone here to listen/read or whatever. K


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
I see no reason why you shouldn’t lose your ‘rag’ and answer back, but even better, I have found with my OH is just to walk off, and ignore the shouts to come back he’s talking to me, or snide little comments to himself. Don’t go every day, decide how much time you are prepared to give and do not give any more. Giving more will only make him more demanding not less. Tell the Care Home you are unable to speak to him as you are busy/working/ with someone/at an appointment whatever. For your own health you need to draw boundaries and stick to them.


Registered User
Jun 10, 2024
I see no reason why you shouldn’t lose your ‘rag’ and answer back, but even better, I have found with my OH is just to walk off, and ignore the shouts to come back he’s talking to me, or snide little comments to himself. Don’t go every day, decide how much time you are prepared to give and do not give any more. Giving more will only make him more demanding not less. Tell the Care Home you are unable to speak to him as you are busy/working/ with someone/at an appointment whatever. For your own health you need to draw boundaries and stick to them.
Thank you x

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