Financial Assessment


New member
Jun 13, 2023
My wife is in a care home due to Alzheimer’s. I am funding this from her savings and understand that the local council will fund her care in due course. I have received from them her financial assessment. I cannot understand any of it and the council steadfastly ignore my questions. The assessment shows four sums of money as being disregarded. There is a percentage of her occupational pension, a percentage of her attendance allowance, £28.25 personal expenses allowance and £9.75 Savings disregard. Does this mean that the £28. 25 can be paid into a separate account for my wife? AgeUK state that 50% of the occupational pension can be used by the spouse remaining in the marital home. I am reluctant to utilise this money without permission from the council who do not give advice or answers. Does the attendance allowance disregard mean that the spouse can use this money also? I have asked a solicitor who was unable to help. Has anyone found a way to untangle this - I know of no-one in a similar situation who can help.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
When your wife falls under the £23,500 limit for being self funded, the local authority will start contributing towards her care. Once the amount goes under approximately £14,000, they will pay for all of her care. However, they will always take into account any incomings she has including her pensions and any benefits.
As soon as she is no longer funding any of her care, she will no longer be entitled to the attendance allowance. 50% of her occupational pension will not be counted and £28.25 a month called a personal allowance will also not be counted towards her contribution from her incomings. The personal allowance is for toiletries etc. so this is not money she will be given but money that won’t be taken from her as part of her contribution towards her care. The attendance allowance is what she is still entitled to at the point when the LA start contributing towards her care.
The attendance allowance or part thereof and the personal allowance is for her needs, so for example the home may ask for a contribution towards an activity or trip out,she may need new clothes or personal care products etc.
I am assuming that soon she will be under the £23,500 and so will no longer have to pay for all of her care but she will need to contribute towards it with the local authority meeting the rest. This is done on a sliding scale until she’s savings reach the lower limit. I’m guessing this is what the financial assessment is telling you, the only thing that will change eventually is the attendance allowance which will be stopped.
This may explain it better than I can.
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