Financial assessment every year.


New member
Jan 19, 2024
My grandad had a finance assessment back in November because of going into full time residential care, here he was deemed not to have capacity. Had to send bank statements and pension information (grandad was in a council
House with under the threshold of savings) when going through this assessment and the council then wrote to us with his monthly bill.

When clearing grandads house we found a very large amount of cash stuff under the bed (lots of old £20’s, £10’s and £5’s) so it’s been there years. With the money in his bank this will take him over the savings threshold.

My question is, if I put the cash in grandads bank account, next year when they do the finance assessment again (yearly from what I understand) will they need bank statements again? Or does it go of previous finance assessments?

Scarlet Lady

Registered User
Apr 6, 2021
Before you decide what to do @Thomashall33 , perhaps you need to check with a bank as to whether it’s still possible to convert this ‘0ld money’ into legal tender. If it’s not, there may be no decision to make.