Feel like tearing my hair out!


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
Good morning everyone.
Yesterday we had our central heating boiler serviced and the radiators power flushed. Not a problem though my OH spent most of the day asking me what was happening and as the day wore on he became increasingly agitated….par for the course really.
The heating chap told me that we had a problem with a soak away when water started to run into the garage during the flushing. He did his best and removed a bucket full of debris but we could still see standing water so still a blockage somewhere.
This morning O.H and I decided to call in the professionals. I had repeated over and over what happened the day before, where I thought the problem was and then I went to the supermarket leaving my O.H in bed.
I returned an hour later to find all the grids covering the soak away channel up, the channel overflowing with water from a hose pipe, water deep enough to paddle in in the garage and on the drive. Husband standing there with watering can, brushes, metal bar ( for levering up the grids ) and quite angry. When I asked him why when we were going to leave it to the professionals, he replied he wanted to check the gradient! However his back now ached so he was going inside.
I put the shopping away, cleared up the mess outside, replaced the grids ( I’m no drain expert!) went inside and asked if he’d like a cup of coffee. His reply ‘ only when you’ve cleared up the mess outside!’
Don’t know whether to laugh or cry……….or have another cup of coffee. Husband now snoozing on sofa after his exertions and 2 paracetamol for his aching back!!


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Oh dear @Skylark/2 Definitely a very strong cup of coffee required. Hopefully the professionals will get it sorted soon. Take care.