Evening All!


New member
Jan 2, 2024
New to the forum- hope you all had a lovely Christmas break!
I'm looking for some advice on mini GPS trackers/ location device compatible with android phones (not apple airtag). If anyone has any experience or recommendations of good products to locate an elderly parent, prone to take herself off on a flight of fancy mission, I'd really appreciate it. Many thanks!


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Drfeelgood720_0 and welcome to this Dementia Support Forum. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia to be found here.
I don't have any experience of tracking devices, but I'm sure others will be along shortly with their suggestions.
I hope you will find this forum useful for information, and any particular advice if you need it, do just ask, as members here really do want to help.


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
New to the forum- hope you all had a lovely Christmas break!
I'm looking for some advice on mini GPS trackers/ location device compatible with android phones (not apple airtag). If anyone has any experience or recommendations of good products to locate an elderly parent, prone to take herself off on a flight of fancy mission, I'd really appreciate it. Many thanks!
Plenty of trackers around. But how do you intend on making sure they are wearing the tracker when they go out. That's the big problem to solve. The police operate a physical tag registration system.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2022
I'm kind of wondering - is your parent safe to be going off on their own if you need a tracker? Or is it time for 24/7 care? have no experience of trackers but the police operate a scheme called the Herbert Protocol - if you're not already aware of it I would suggest googling it, downloading the form and getting it completed so you are ready with all relevant information if you need to call them in to find your parent.
By the way, I'm a Dr Feelgood fan!


Registered User
Jun 26, 2023
I have spent ages looking at trackers and found nothing is perfect. One marketed specifically for this purpose didn’t work at all. I ended up with a ring doorbell to clock my OH in and out and an Apple Watch with contract so I can use ‘find my’ to see where he is if he’s not back in the 15 minutes for his walk. There may be android versions. I can ring him if he’s somewhere he shouldn’t be but often he doesn’t answer it. It’s probably only 80% accurate if that so still not ideal. What is doesn’t do is show that he’s just walked into someone else’s home with our dog, it took a neighbour deputation a couple of days ago to find that out.

When I’m home I can tell him to take his mobile which has life360 which is much more accurate. I’m afraid when I pop out I’ve resorted to a lock on the gates and locking the front door so he can only get into the back garden but this means I get back to him agitated. The social worker was adamant that the call button you can wear now tracks but when he checked it doesn’t. The police one just holds details so that emergency services can run a mobile over it and get their and address if they are found and it’s a chunky rubber bracelet which he won’t wear.

Sorry it’s so long but I have put lots of effort into this and not found an ideal solution. I would be more than happy to see a response saying there is something that works.