Energy levels


Registered User
Jan 15, 2022
My husband was diagnosed in January 22 with early onset at age 56. Recently he seems to have so much excess energy and walks around the village many times a day which I have no issue with. Lately he is restless in the evening as well which is causing issues. Is there any medication he can have to calm him in the evening

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Raest

Daytime activity is acceptable. Evening activity is difficult to manage and could be sundowning.



Registered User
Jun 26, 2023
My husband was diagnosed in January 22 with early onset at age 56. Recently he seems to have so much excess energy and walks around the village many times a day which I have no issue with. Lately he is restless in the evening as well which is causing issues. Is there any medication he can have to calm him in the evening
I hope you get a resolution, my husband goes round the village 20 times some days and has just started joining in with the kids playing football (he was a footballer in his youth) and parents are complaining but not sure how i stop it.


Registered User
Feb 23, 2021
@Raest my dad became very restless and agitated last year... always wanting to go out/ be taken out for a drive, wandering off for walks and getting lost. Mum was taking him out 5 or 6 times a day at the worst point. He was referred to the Mental Health team through the GP and has remained under their care until very recently. They prescribed some medication that helped. Definitely worth getting in touch with the GP and explaining what's happening.
I would add that initially no-one really listened, but I kept going, phoning social care and GP repeatedly until they discussed him at an integrated care team meeting - they then sent out a nurse from that team and she saw the behaviours... then the MHT became involved. Keep trying if you are not listened to at first.


Registered User
Jan 15, 2022
I called the GP who wants to do blood tests to rule out thyroid issues and check iron levels. I said I think it is the dementia, he didn’t give the impression that there was much medication he could give, so if anyone knows any that helps then I can suggest to him. Thank you for your responses


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
I called the GP who wants to do blood tests to rule out thyroid issues and check iron levels. I said I think it is the dementia, he didn’t give the impression that there was much medication he could give, so if anyone knows any that helps then I can suggest to him. Thank you for your responses
I can understand the GP wanting to rule out an overactive thyroid. My mum has this (now controlled with a low dose of a drug called carbimazole). It began before her dementia became apparent. She had night sweats, a rash on her back, and lost quite a bit of weight. She went down to a size 8 trouser (now back up to 12). She had a lot of energy (still does actually).
I mention this, as there is an outside chance of it being the cause of the excess energy.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
I hope you get a resolution, my husband goes round the village 20 times some days and has just started joining in with the kids playing football (he was a footballer in his youth) and parents are complaining but not sure how i stop it.
Hi @Ellie2018
I think, you will need to explain your OH's condition to the footballing kids and kids' parents, so they're aware of it. Without wanting to be woke, some folks are wary of men wanting to play with kids.

See if you can find out if there is a "walking football" group/team in your area, as that might be appropriate for your OH. Maybe ask around, including AgeUk, etc and look online, of course.

Best wishes.


Registered User
Jun 26, 2023
Hi @Ellie2018
I think, you will need to explain your OH's condition to the footballing kids and kids' parents, so they're aware of it. Without wanting to be woke, some folks are wary of men wanting to play with kids.

See if you can find out if there is a "walking football" group/team in your area, as that might be appropriate for your OH. Maybe ask around, including AgeUk, etc and look online, of course.

Best wishes.
Thanks. I have told a few people and try to keep him occupied at school time but it’s hard as he gets aggressive when I try to stop him. If I had something to show where he is I can go to him, it’s the randomness of him not doing his usual route.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
My husband was diagnosed in January 22 with early onset at age 56. Recently he seems to have so much excess energy and walks around the village many times a day which I have no issue with. Lately he is restless in the evening as well which is causing issues. Is there any medication he can have to calm him in the evening
Hi @Raest my mum was diagnosed eight years ago (probs ten in reality) and in the early part of our journey together she literally did not stop!! We would go out six, maybe seven times a day sometimes visiting the same place twice; nighttime was also a very active period. We didn't opt for the medication route but understand the necessity if it's impacting both you and your loved one's health & wellbeing. Risk of injury at night can also be a worry. With other issues I found that speaking with our community team could act as a catalyst to get things moving along with other clinicians. I know this is a difficult time and hope you manage a swift resolution.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Thanks. I have told a few people and try to keep him occupied at school time but it’s hard as he gets aggressive when I try to stop him. If I had something to show where he is I can go to him, it’s the randomness of him not doing his usual route.
Hi @Ellie2018
Does your OH still use a mobile phone? If so, there are apps you could instal on his phone and on your phone, to show you on your phone where he is - provided his phone is on and still has charge and he hasn't left it somewhere!
I'm not an expert in this field, but have heard of free apps, such as "Track my Phone" app or "Glympse" app, and I'm sure there are others. Have a look online.
Best wishes.


Registered User
Jun 26, 2023
Hi @Ellie2018
Does your OH still use a mobile phone? If so, there are apps you could instal on his phone and on your phone, to show you on your phone where he is - provided his phone is on and still has charge and he hasn't left it somewhere!
I'm not an expert in this field, but have heard of free apps, such as "Track my Phone" app or "Glympse" app, and I'm sure there are others. Have a look online.
Best wishes.
Thank you but no, he doesn’t take the phone out, which is a shame as that is the most reliable tracker that I’ve found. I’ve been using Life 360 and it’s accurate in real time.