Empty boxes


New member
May 16, 2024
FYI mom, 68, semantic dementia, diagnosed Dec last year.

I’ve recently noticed mom putting empty boxes back in cupboards. She always tells me she’ll do it later when I tell her they should be in the bin anyone else noticed this?

Also noticed mom’s spelling and grasp of letter has changed she used to write GRN and BLK on the calendar to remind her self what days the bins goes out and when I checked the calendar today GRN was now HNY…

Finding it hard to see her struggle.. :(

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
I wouldn't bother to tell her about the empty boxes, just pick them up and put them in the recycling. It's very easy to stress yourself out over something so simple but with your Mum, she's likely to forget your conversation before you've left the room. Pick your battles wisely and this one is not worth the fight.

Spelling does go but with Mum, math was lost well before literacy so you may need to keep a check on her bank accounts.

We all find it hard but prop them up the best we can.