Driving - who can inform DVLA?


New member
Nov 23, 2023
Can anyone give a categorical answer to the question of who is allowed to inform DVLA of a dementia diagnosis?

I have a relative with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's who has refused to tell DVLA. They have also renewed their insurance and not informed them of the diagnosis. Our social worker has tried in vain to get the GP and the Memory Clinic to inform DVLA - they say they can only advise the patient to inform DVLA and are not responsible for informing DVLA themselves. The social worker tried to inform DVLA herself and was met with "we only accept reports from a doctor"! Does anyone know the truth?


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @bimbo23 and welcome to this friendly and supportive forum.
There may be some useful information in this link:
I think you can download the booklet from this.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
DVLA will only investigate inability to drive caused by a medical condition and also reported by a doctor.

Anybody can inform the police that they think a person's driving is unsafe mentioning specific events and saying they have a dementia diagnosis and refuse to take a doctor's advice to inform the DVLA.
The police may investigate and inform DVLA.
The informant may loose anonymity, maybe the price to pay to keep a dangerous driver off the roads.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @bimbo23 and welcome. It may be reasonable to assume that, if the dementia diagnosis has not been declared, the person's insurance is invalid. In that case reporting the car registration and location of suspected uninsured driving can be done by calling the police 101 number. Depending on which force is relevant to the area it may be possible to report online.

You can also report concerns about a person's fitness to drive to DVLA using the third option on the drivers medical page:

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Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
I thought anyone could report an unsafe driver to DVLA. Has it changed?
I looked for that form and could not find it just that DVLA were only interested in poor driving caused by a medical condition and then only when reported by a doctor.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
It may be reasonable to assume that, if the dementia diagnosis has not been declared, the person's insurance is invalid
The police database will show it as insured, even if that incorrect info. has been given to insurers not sure what action police will take.

Reporting direct to insurers may cause them to contact insured asking for confirmation of fitness to drive and maybe permission to contact GP.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
I looked for that form and could not find it just that DVLA were only interested in poor driving caused by a medical condition and then only when reported by a doctor.

As per my post above, it is possible for anyone to report a 3rd party if they have concerns. The option is worded thus:

"I have concerns over a person's fitness to drive and I wish to tell the DVLA"

Choosing this allows one to enter the name and other details of the 3rd party and provide relevant information in a free text box.

The page has the following text followed by boxes for adding relevant information.

"I have concerns over a person's fitness to drive and I wish to tell the DVLA

DVLA can only investigate where a driver has a medical condition that affects their ability to drive safely. If you have concerns over dangerous or unsafe driving which is not due to a medical condition, you should contact the police.

Third Party Details
Please provide as much detail as possible so that we can locate the correct driver record.

All Third Party Notifications are treated with the strictest confidence and we will never reveal to the licence holder or any other enquiring party where the information came from originally."


New member
Nov 23, 2023
Hi @bimbo23 and welcome. It may be reasonable to assume that, if the dementia diagnosis has not been declared, the person's insurance is invalid. In that case reporting the car registration and location of suspected uninsured driving can be done by calling the police 101 number. Depending on which force is relevant to the area it may be possible to report online.

You can also report concerns about a person's fitness to drive to DVLA using the third option on the drivers medical page:
thankyou - was not aware of this and neither do many other people seem to be

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