Drinking Milk, Constipation


New member
Mar 14, 2024
I am new to this forum and have cared for my Dad for 9 years watching his vascular dementia worsen with big step changes following each stroke/TIA. After the last double stroke I made the tough decision to move him to a nursing home as dementia and hospital induced delirium was too much for me to cope with alone and I suspect we are moving into the end stage. Since the end of his latest hospital stay and for the first 2 weeks in the nursing home he has eaten nothing at all and will only drink milk (it's been a month since food now). He has passed the swallow tests and takes his daily tablets without problem but is now in a world of pain with constipation and getting weaker by the day. He's refused pureed food, nutritional shakes or any small snacks that used to be his favourite. Milk/Hot chocolate arethe only things he will drink (no water/juice etc). Surely he cannot survive on this alone? it's breaking my heart to see him in so much pain, even taking his beloved dog into see him every day is now met with a blank expression. Prior to a double stroke on 11th Feb he was still walking his dog with me every day and whilst frail was fully mobile, he has no physical effects from the last stroke as OT's were walking him in hospital every day but he is now unable to communicate at all and since being in the nursing home has stopped walking altogether. Sitting in a wheelchair with constipation is clealry agonising for him. Has anyone been through anything similar, any tips on how to help him? I have asked the nursing home to ensure the doctor sees him on her next visit. When I asked the nurse for advice she said we've had residents who can survive years on just milk. Hearing others experiences or receiving any advice on what I can do to make him more comfortable would be hugely appreciated, I feel so helpless. Dee


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
I suspect that it isn’t necessarily the milk itself that is causing the constipation, just lack of any quantity of food and fibre. People who usually drink milk as part of their diet are supposed to have reduced risk of constipation.

I hope that you have talked to care home about the constipation and what they plan to do about it.
His refusal to eat anything else maybe a reflection of his worsening condition and I think that his general condition should be a part of a discussion with care home staff.


New member
Mar 14, 2024
I suspect that it isn’t necessarily the milk itself that is causing the constipation, just lack of any quantity of food and fibre. People who usually drink milk as part of their diet are supposed to have reduced risk of constipation.

I hope that you have talked to care home about the constipation and what they plan to do about it.
His refusal to eat anything else maybe a reflection of his worsening condition and I think that his general condition should be a part of a discussion with care home staff.
Thank you, care home nurse says I need to speak to the visiting doctor, I have a meeting with the doctor later this week so will raise the constipation and his condition then


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Im so sorry to hear about your dad. You mentioned that he was frail before the last stroke and it may now be all too much for him. Do be prepared to have a very open discussion with the doctor


New member
Mar 14, 2024
Im so sorry to hear about your dad. You mentioned that he was frail before the last stroke and it may now be all too much for him. Do be prepared to have a very open discussion with the doctor
Thank you, I will. I did try to have a conversation with the nurse about the stage he was at but she just kept stating people can live for years on milk alone which wasn't very helpful. Hopefully the doctor will be able to help him with the pain he's in and discuss a plan going forward. Being in limbo and watching him in so much discomfort is stressful but appreciate there's never an easy answer at any stage with this horrid disease. x

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