Don't know where to turn


New member
Sep 22, 2019
I strongly believe my mum has dementia. I've been to the gp with her a couple of times and the gp did a memory test. She was referred to the memory clinic but couldn't remember what happened when I asked her about it. She forgets things all the time and gets lost in familiar places. Hundreds of pounds have been withdrawn from her bank (over £1000 in 2 weeks at one point) and she has no idea where it went. Gp won't speak to me due to data protection. I don't know who to turn to for help and I'm worried sick


Registered User
Feb 27, 2015
Welcome to DTP @SarahEm
Personally I would contact the memory clinic & ask what happened at the appointment.
Do you have Power of Attorney in place?


New member
Sep 22, 2019
Hello. I would let your Mum’s Drs surgery know you have concerns, especially if you have worries regarding whether she is eating /drinking / taking medication/ behaving out of character etc.

I wrote a one liner on a sheet of paper which I handed in to my Dad’s surgery. It said:

I give permission for my three children (listed our names and addresses) to have access to my medical information.

I asked my Dad to sign it and I dated it and then I handed it to the surgery reception. From then on I was able to speak freely with the Dr and social services.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2017
Yes, I go to all of dad's appointments too. I think I may have just struck lucky as dad's GP and all of his hospital consultants have been really good. They all talk to dad first and then ask him if they can talk to me and he always agrees so I suppose that helps.


New member
Sep 22, 2019
Thank you for your replies. I don't have power of attorney for health for my mum. That's not something she'd agree to and I work full time so I'm not available to attend appointments with her. I've spoken to her gps a couple of times now so they're aware of my concerns and of her symptoms. I just feel so frustrated and helpless. I just have to hope they are going to do something after having had the information I've given them


Registered User
May 7, 2019
Hi.I have LPOA for dad.But I also have verbal permission to speak to dad’s GP. He granted it and then it was put on the computer screen.
So I can actually speak to anyone about dad now from the surgery.
Don’t know if this could help you.


New member
Feb 21, 2018
I strongly believe my mum has dementia. I've been to the gp with her a couple of times and the gp did a memory test. She was referred to the memory clinic but couldn't remember what happened when I asked her about it. She forgets things all the time and gets lost in familiar places. Hundreds of pounds have been withdrawn from her bank (over £1000 in 2 weeks at one point) and she has no idea where it went. Gp won't speak to me due to data protection. I don't know who to turn to for help and I'm worried sick


Registered User
Sep 24, 2019
I had the same issue with my mum's first GP...then she changed to a gp that I think was about to retire so he saw sense and chatted to me. I made telephone appointments to talk to him. My mum passed the doctor's dementia test, but I persuaded with him to refer her to the memory centre. They should run full bloods to rule out anything else...urine infection, thyroid, deficiencies etc..

The memory centre got the referral and closed it down when they saw how my mum did on the test and also had no previous history with them.

I rang the memory centre and told them mum lived alone (they were open to talking to me about my mum), had crashed her car, was losing keys, purses etc etc they reopened the referral. I told them she'd lose the letter with the appointment date on for the memory clinic, so could they text me the date of the CT and memory tests which they did.

They did a ct and she didn't do so well on their tests. I went with her for the CT as she lost and forgot the appointment.

My mum would never have agreed she had issues, so I had to let the referral run its course.

I also shared my concerns with neighbours who talked about how they were worried about their memories so had done the memory tests to reassure themselves.

You could also have a telephone appt with the doctor and request a private referral for an MRI...they cost around £600 and you can get one in days.

Sending you hugs, the process doesn't work. Stay strong and perserve x

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