

Registered User
Oct 31, 2023
My mum has early onset dementia and has been prescribed Donepezil can anyone tell me what their opinions are of this drug and if it does really slow dementia down


Registered User
Oct 18, 2021
Hi. my Dad was prescribed it in 2020 and it did work for him - it enabled him to work things out better for about 18 months and as he lived alone at that time it was really useful for him to remain indeoendent for as long as possible.
After about 18 months his dementia had progressed and the drug was not effective


Registered User
May 5, 2019
I,m convinced (I have made other posts on this) but I was diagnosed early. I have been on this drug for 5 years and still hanging on there and independent MOST of the time


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
My wife had early onset and took part in the early trials for what is now called donepezil, originally before it became generic it was called Aricept.
I don't have a clone of her so I don't know, but it is all there is generally available but it's not a cure, if I were diagnosed I would take it, never seemed to do any harm.
I've been posting for something over 10 years on here as a carer, about my wife and mum too and it's hard, I don't know if the medications helped or not you could say they prelonged the misery for us all, but I'd do it all again, starting tomorrow if I could and the medication is all there is so go with it. K


New member
Oct 11, 2021
My wife has been on Donepezil for a couple of years now; hard to tell if it's helping, as there is no control. However, one warning. She started on, I think, 10 mg per day, but this turned out to be slowing her heart rate, and a year ago she got up in the night for a pee and collapsed, fracturing three lumbar vertebrae, which was not fun. GP reduced dose to 5mg, which seems not to be causing problems. However, a week or so ago GP suggested trying a different drug (can't remember(!) the name) and we are waiting for a phone call tomorrow to see what to do.


Registered User
Jan 15, 2024
My wife Diagnosed with PCA, is on memantine and donepezil, the memantine was introduced first then donepezil, the donepezil seems to have made a difference seems to have made a difference in terms of memory, but the main PCA symptoms are those that most significantly impact on her daily life,


Registered User
Oct 24, 2021
My dad is also on donepezil and memantine. The doctor described both of these drugs as stabilizing or slowing the progression but not improving the disease. He basically told my dad that he would not see a difference (i.e. no improvement) but that the family might. He's under firm instructions to take the donepezil only at night due to side effects. Saying that, he's had no side effects that we can see from the drugs.

He had a major neurological incident in 2013 and was diagnosed with vascular dementia around that time or slightly earlier. He has been able to live independently, with increasing amounts of assistance, until last week. And he's almost 91. We don't know if it was the drugs, but 11+ years -- we'll take that!

Violet Jane

Registered User
Aug 23, 2021
My mother was on Donepezil (then called Aricept). It's impossible to know whether it was the drug or the care package that was put in at the same time that made a difference. My mother improved a bit for about 18 months but then deteriorated further whilst she was on it. As far as I am aware, she took it until very late on her illness. Memantine wasn't mentioned.

I think that it's worth trying medication that is offered but you do have to be realistic about how effective it is. Possibly, medication is more effective in the early or very early stages. Some people seem to benefit far more than others.


Registered User
Mar 9, 2024
My mother was put on Donepezil and started in March this year. I am not convinced that it is making a bit of difference other than making her need the toilet more. We had to change the time of dosage from evening to morning as she was very unsettled during the night. No clue if it was due to nightmares because when I asked she couldn't remember/denied it.

I don't know what I was expecting with the drug as I don't see that much improvement, but I daren't take her off it just in case it really is making a difference.

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